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"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down."

When Marinette awoke the following morning, she noticed a few things. For starters, the Bluetooth of Adrien's phone must have still been connected to the speaker, playing his romantic playlist. She also knew she was only sporting her underwear beneath the billowing comforter. Last night had been special, baring more than just her thoughts, dreams and aspirations to the man she lay against. Lastly, Marinette realized she was on top of Adrien, her cheek softly pressed on the skin of his naked chest. A warming smile etched onto the girl's face. She had never been so pleased.

Adrien stirred, green eyes slitting open. He emitted a sly grin. "Good morning, Twizzler," he spoke huskily, his words gliding down her spine, resulting in absolute chills.

"Morning to yourself," she grinned, laying her cheek back down on top of him. Adrien too only wore his underwear, their night never going past that boundary. He hummed. "How about we grab dinner tonight?" Adrien pleaded with sweet, puppy dog eyes. Marinette laughed.

"Sure! Just text me the details later, okay?"

Nodding, Adrien agreed. When she motioned to stand up from the bed, he argued, wanting her to remain with him in their bubble forever. "I have to go make decisions about my studio today and you need to go job hunting," she gracefully reminded. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he sighed, stretching one arm out, seeking relief, the other one glued to her hips to keep her still. "C'mon, let me go!" she laughed.

"Noooo!" Adrien clumsily retaliated, making it more difficult for her to leave by adding extra weight. "If I promise to spend the night here again tonight, will you release me?"

He stuck out his bottom lip, pouting like that of a small child. "Okay, but you better not break it!" Adrien spoke. True to his word, he eased up on Marinette's trim waist. Sliding out from between the cushy covers, the girl was apt to conceal her naked chest with her hands. "Why are you hiding? I was hoping for another peek," he pitched with a lingering whine.

"You sound like a sexually deprived middle schooler," she clamored with a raised brow. "I'm sure that was the last thought you had when I took my hands and-"

"Okay! I know. Now, let me get dressed in peace!" Marinette giggled. Complying, Adrien turned over in bed, stuffing his face into the puffed pillow. Soaking in one last glance, she observed his generous back muscles that drove her wild. He was a gorgeous specimen indeed.

This time around, she was prepared, bringing a professional change of clothing rather than wearing the same outfit several days in a row. Checking her appearance in the mirror, she preened her white blouse and dark green high-waisted skirt. Lastly, she popped on her black pumps. Makeup and doing her hair was actually a breeze, usually being the harder task.

Once she was satisfied with her decent looks, she opened the door to the bedroom, catching wind of Adrien adjusting the sleeve of his suit jacket, the rest of his suit fit him like a perfect glove. He really was handsome. She dreamily sighed, grabbing her purse before making her way to his standing figure. Marinette pushed herself to her toes, reaching upward to give him a sugary peck to his lips.

"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" she hollered before regrettably fleeing the apartment. The entire walk to her studio was freeing. Sunshine warmed her skin, as the rainstorm of the past few days dissipated. With a huge smile on her face, Marinette unlocked the double doors to her space. She noted the construction crew waiting on her to arrive. Through the simple click of a few buttons, she was able to order new wood flooring and a company to install it.

After she gave the low down on how she wanted it to look, she decided to grab an early lunch, keeping in mind to possibly return later. Marinette wound up at a casual salad bar, piling her plate with many veggies of various colors. Not skimping on the cracker packets either, she found a clean table to rest at.

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