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"Help wanted."

Adrien listened to the shower water run in the bathroom as he observed the newspaper with a red pen. He could also hear sweet, melodic humming that halfway soothed his restless soul. Marinette had decided she needed a little freshening up. He couldn't disagree, secretly wanting her to smell like his body wash, as territorial of the dark haired girl like a dog urinating on his lawn. She was his, no one else's.

Marinette had also gently coaxed him into looking for work. It had been a mere twenty-four hours since she had knocked his door down after she found out about his job loss. After all, the blonde man had an apartment to pay for, despite his huge savings account and all of his well funded credit cards. Having an income was something that was necessary to build wealth, he knew this as much as the next guy. This fact still did't change how much Adrien begrudged making a new and updated resume while inquiring for an interview.

Normally, he'd have offers from various hospitals around the country. Given his recent run-in with ethics, there was no way he could return to work in the medical field. This left less than unsavory occupation opportunities. Nothing was worth having his doctorate while flipping burgers and frying onions. When the shower snapped off, Adrien straightened his posture upward and slyly sniffed his underarms. Crap, he forgot deoderant earlier this morning. Marinette was going to be glowing and shower fresh, while he smelled like a nasty, day old garbage can.

"Hey there! Find anything appealing?" she asked, swinging her arms around like a bored child would do. Adrien rose, pacing toward her. The fidgeting was racing against his nerves as he reached out and gripped her wrists, slowly gluing her arms to her sides, not allowing her to flail them about any longer. He gave her a look that dared her to disobey his silent command. Marinette huffed breathily at him.

"I asked you a question."

"No. Nothing yet, Twiz."

At the nicknamed nickname, she blushed a precious pink, squirming out of his chilly, steely grasp. "I'll be back," he surmised, walking around her body, into the bedroom before shutting the door quietly. Sighing, Adrien found two different antiperspirants. Two different choices? Rainforest Fresh or Island Attraction? His head pounded in anger. When had he become so wasteful and materialistic that he bought more than what he actually needed?

Emerald eyes widening, he glanced up at his reflection in the clean mirror. Had his once productive lifestyle boiled down to becoming confused and irritated by two deodorants? How utterly pathetic. With a loud grunt, he chucked both tubes at the mirror, causing one of the top corners to unhook from the nail. Great. Absolutely fabulous and just what he needed.

With a shy knock, Marinette appeared in the bathroom, concerned eyes and on the phone. If it was any other time and under different circumstances, he would have studied the way his clothes hung on her delicate frame. "Are you alright?" she mouthed. Adrien didn't answer. He ran his calloused fingers in his hair, turning his back to her. The innocent girl always seemed to catch his emotional outbursts. It was becoming downright embarrassing on his account. The obvious muscles in his back strained under his self-proclaimed stress. His life had spiraled to hell. Absolute hell.

"You know his intentions where never like that, Alya. He saved my life when I couldn't breathe. I don't know why you think so lowly of him, honestly, it baffles me so much," she spoke, shuffling her feet, holding back an anger that could have easily been released. Marinette sighed, one that resonated deep in the pit of her lungs. She too ruffled her hair, reaching out for his hand, gently caging it in her grasp. 

"For the last time, I'm not pressing sexual assault charges. He saved me and didn't do anything wrong. And I really could care less about how he lost his job. All I care about is making sure a friend in need knows I'm there for them.

"Remember when your parents were going through that nasty divorce? Remember how I stayed with you at your place for three whole weeks just to make sure you weren't alone when you cried? Even months afterward, I was still there for you everyday. How would you feel if another person yanked me away from you during that time, huh? Pretty crappy, right?" Hitting her phone repeatedly with her pointer finger, Marinette hung up hastily. "I've never wanted a flip phone more than right now. Imagine the satisfaction of slamming that boy shut to end a call. Ah, the glory days," she sung sweetly before noting his apparent distress.

"Adrien?" She released his clammy hand and he felt a light brush of her fingers on his shoulder. His back still faced her front, and for good reason. Tears silently slipped down his ruddy cheeks. Fisting his hands so tightly they caused nail imprints on his palms, trying to gather his bearings, Adrien turned to somberly stare off into the distance. She gasped ever so slightly, her own eyes watering up at his weepy appearance. 

"Why am I such a failure?" Adrien whispered, not brave enough to look her in her eyes. A pond of tears collected at the rim of his eyelids. Marinette placed her soft hands on his cheeks, gesturing for his eyes to snap and connect with hers. "You're not a failure. You've hit a small bump in the road, that's all!"

Growing frustrated, he yanked himself from her reach, observing the room to see if there was anything throwable within reach. He was absolutely delirious. "Adrien! Listen, I need you to get ready to go out. I have an idea and I think fresh air will do both of us good." He weakly nodded in agreement, thinking that getting out of the stifling apartment was just what he could use.

Once they both changed, Adrien into decent looking clothes, Marinette into the same exact thing she wore just yesterday. Grabbing her messenger purse, she seemed ready to go. As he locked the door closed, Adrien reached out immediately, holding her hand in his own. Despite not talking about it, he was terrified he would lose her, or that she had every liberty to leave him based on her own merits.

"It's not a far walk. I have two stops in mind. I hope that's okay," Marinette suggested, peeking up at him through her full eyelashes. The blonde man didn't say one word as he popped open a massive umbrella for the two to share. At his gesture, she smiled a soft expression. Now that he was thinking about it, everything about her was warm and cuddly. Just another reason why she couldn't abandon him.

The raindrops pattered on the cement below their feet. People rushed by, looking nothing more distinguished than blurry blobs of color. Adrien kept his eyes trained near people's knees, not bothering to look anyone in the eye. How could he when all he was good for was killing patients and stealing thriving people all for himself? He couldn't even find another decent job for God's sakes. 

"Stop beating yourself up, Adrien. You could think a hole into your head at this rate. I'm no surgeon, but that does not sound like a good thing to me," she lightly reprimanded, glancing up with a heart pounding smirk, eyes glimmering. "While that's not fathomable for the human body to conjure, I thank you for trying to cheer me up. Unfortunately, that might prove too big a task for you. I'm not worth anything now that I've... committed what I have. I'll never work in the medical field again once this all dies down, Marinette. So tell me, what do I do now?"

To this, she had no answer and he could tell that. I was also not fair of him to demand things from the girl. She had multiple prospects going for her. He would only stand in the way of such successes. 

"For now, I'd suggest the Peppermint Mocha or Vanilla Latte. I'm also partial to the chocolate muffins," Marinette said, stopping the pair in front of a coffee shop. "You come here often?" Adrien quizzed. "Whenever I can, which happens to be way too many times a week."

"Surprise me. I'll find us a table."

"Don't bother. I have the perfect one already reserved."

Adrein's eyebrow quirked. "Just trust me, Adrien. And stand up straight, no one puts stock in a slouch." Sighing, he complied. "So, where's our next stop?"

"Patience young grasshopper. Artisan coffee does not deserve to be so hastily rushed."


So my roommate's fish officially died today and it's kind of sad. In other news, finals is coming up and I'm not too stressed out yet, which is a good thing I guess. Hasta la vista first semester of sophomore year of college!!

Feel free to leave a comment, prediction, unpopular opinion and a vote if you so chose. Love you guys!

-Bubbles <3

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