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"You call this spot a good one?"

Marinette giggled at his cute pouting. The rain had yet to let up, making their current table potentially less enjoyable. To the young lady, she loved to relax here and observe storms, especially rainclouds. The two comrades were situated on a small, worn down love seat perched on the coffeeshop's roof. For protection, there was a patio umbrella covering the fabric of the tiny couch. Inside of her large satchel, she brought a cozy blanket for them to enjoy.

"I love it here! My favorite thing is the sound, smell and look of rain. The feel and taste is just a bonus if I feel like getting crazy," she whispered, delicately sipping from her mug of warm cocoa. Marinette snuggled deeper into the fuzz of the blanket, rubbing her shoeless feet together, feeling content and happy for the first time in a little while. To her right, she could feel Adrien's eyes boring into the side of her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

He casually shrugged, taking a slurp of his iced drink. "Sometimes I think you're as sour as the lemons you're sipping on," she mumbled, snagging a bite of her warmed pastry. Choking, Adrien sputtered at her observation. "I-It's not like the amount of lemonade I've drunk in my lifetime affects my personality, Twizzler, geez."

She giggled a twinkly chuckle, hiding it behind her pale, dainty fingers. "If that's the way things work, all this grey weather is making you grumpier. Now I have two proofs!"

He mumbled, not too happy with her rather odd observations. "Cheer up, Adrien. I was just joking," Marinette said, starting to feel bad for poking fun of the blonde man. Her blue eyes lowered, studying the puddles that collected on the wooden deck below them. The sensation of his fingers brushing her chin swept across her warm face. Adrien turned her face to meet his in such a compelling way, she knew it was mandatory to maintain eye contact. It wasn't hard with his gorgeous emerald irises.

"I know you were. I'm just the jerk who can't seem to make you smile, that's all. I'm sorry, Sweetie," he said, shifting his lengthy digits to brush her reddening cheeks. "Have you no eyes? I always smile when I'm with you."

Green eyes widened. Adrien swallowed thickly, leaning closely to her, bluebell eyes glancing at his pink, slightly chapped lips. Internally, she died when he rested his forehead against her own. What it finally going to happen? She had yet to have her first kiss. Her aching lips had the potential to lose their virginity as she was completely lost in the moment.

Marinette felt a little awkward. He was moving at a turtles pace and she had no clue how to slyly set her mug down without distracting or breaking their bubble. One of Adrien's hands softly moved to brush her hair back behind her ear. She had never felt this inadequate in her entire life. He grew nearer, so much so that she could feel his hot breath against her wanting mouth.

It was then that a loud crack ascended from the stormy sky, thunder breaking them apart totally. The obnoxious sound scared Marinette, causing her to spill her hot drink on Adrien's tailored pants. "I'm so sorry!" Marinette's yelped as he screeched in discomfort. In a frantic fit, Adrien stood up from the love seat, removing himself from the umbrella's protection. "Now it looks like I need a diaper," he remarked with blonde furrowed brows. She could tell he was trying so hard not to lash out in anger. The dark haired girl couldn't help another sparkly laugh to escape from her lips. He was just too cute, even with a urine crotch.

"At this rate, your whole body will get soaked. No one will notice your pants, Adrien."

It was then that he realized that he was standing in the pouring rain that seemed to become thicker with each passing second. "Why you..." he goofed, smiling a grin of his own, grabbing her arm and pulling her out to join him. Marinette's cheeks puffed. "Why did you do that?"

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