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"What do we need from the grocery store?"

Marinette lightly tapped her chin in thought. The two were sitting at the kitchen table, each enjoying their version of the perfect breakfast. It was a sleepy Saturday morning and they had planned on running a few errands later on.

"I think we need more milk, and I want some pickles for sandwiches. That's all I can think of for now," she replied.

While Marinette nibbled on her barely buttered toast and freshly squeezed orange juice, Adrien gobbled down his fluffy banana pancakes and greasy bacon strips. She giggled at his childlike behavior.

"You know your food's not going to grow legs and run away from you, Sweetheart."

He paused, peering up at her barely eaten plate. A drop of neglected syrup dribbled down his stubbly chin, falling back onto his dish.

"Are you not hungry? You usually eat more than that," he asked, concern growing in his bright green eyes. Oh, the way they glimmered against the golden sunrise.

While she ignored his worries, she admired the blonde man before her. Over the past three years, he had aged handsomely. Adrien had manicured a little facial hair and continued to keep up with his workout regimen, despite eating like a tween boy. It made her heart swell and flutter.

Now, here they were, happily married and expecting their first.

That was the real reason that she could hardly keep any nourishment down. Luckily, her first trimester was nearing its end, allowing her to let up on barfing every two seconds. Also, the scent of beets and egg rolls always sent her stomach into a heaving frenzy. Marinette had also taken a liking to steamed cauliflower.

However, it was Twizzlers she craved the most.

On the flip side, Adrien was a flurry of emotion when it came to their future child. He was unnecessarily stressed over minor details. Although he used to be a doctor, he was paranoid over things that were rudely unlikely.

Then there was the need to double check everything. Twice. Every night before bed, he gave her and the child a crude checkup, making sure the kid was still in the right position and wasn't sporting an extra arm or head.

It was seriously endearing how much he cared, but she was always concerned that her being pregnant was consuming his mind. Adrien assured her that his ideals were normal. To this, she gifted him a warm smile.

"I'm just too happy to eat, if I'm being honest," she finally responded in a whisper, as if it was their secret. Adrien flashed a grin between fork loads. "I love you," she continued. He froze.

Each time she uttered those magical words, it made his soul soar. Every time was like the first. Standing up abruptly, making the dishes clatter loudly, he reached out to his pregnant wife. His hands cupped her cheeks and he placed a ginger kiss on her pink lips.

Shifting downward, he knelt until his face was next to her bump. Gently, he lifted up her flannel pajama top, eyes tearing up at the sight of her protruding belly. Adrien placed another peck onto her soft stomach.

Love flowed out from his every pore toward the most beautiful young woman in the world, and the perfect life her sexy body was producing.

In a fit of silliness, he lent down again, blowing a raspberry to her skin. His grin grew larger when he received the exact reaction he had been hunting for.

Marinette chuckled, swatting him away playfully. "Finish your breakfast," she spoke.

"How can I perform such a simple task with the most gorgeous sight across from me?"

Her face flushed a precious red. Adrien never stopped commenting stomach dropping things with her once she unlocked his flirtatious side.

"I mean, stale bread and pulpy juice. Man, that just gets my libido rushing."

That jerk-wad.

Marinette shoved his head away, pushing him to the floor. She stood up, bare feet smacking the hardwood as she took her barely touched food to the sink to throw out.

"Aww, c'mon now, I was just messing around, Mari. You know how much I love you!"

She snorted. "Yeah right."

With a puppy dog pout pulling at his lower lip, Adrien was behind her before scooping up her petite body into his muscular arms. "Whoa! Put me down!" Marinette demanded.

"Not a chance," he whisped back.

"I weigh a million pounds! You're going to drop me and injure our baby! Is that what you want? A child with a flat head?!"

He chortled briefly. "First of all, you're so cutely small that I would never drop you. Secondly, I would never inflict harm into our kid. I already love it too much for anything to happen. And thirdly, I'd never love our baby any less if it had a flat head, rectangles eyes or no toes. Point is, everything I need is here, in my arms," he said charmingly, never faltering in holding her close.

And just like that, she swooned. "Well, not everything. I could do without your clothes. Yeah... that would be better now that I think of it," he spoke aloud. She was aghast.

"Adrien!" Continuing to ignore her protesting, he spun her around like she was a princess.

Once the goofiness had died down, the two quickly got ready for the day. Before they ran their grocery errands, Adrien and Marinette swung by their art gallery.

It had been open for the past few years and had a high success rate. Since Marinette was short on time, what with the baby to prepare for, she opted to her newfound hobby; purchasing. Every once in a while, she would hit up her favorite artists, and local flea markets, to keep a good amount of stock on hand.

Don't get her wrong, she still adored painting, and she did so occasionally, but seeing the joy of a selling painting resonate on said artist's face was incredible. There was nothing like it.

After Adrien had generously funded the gallery, he went to work, wanting to provide for his future family. As of now, he's busy with his passions of cleaning. Everyday he would get to clean and remove waste from the county. It was convenient too. The people would place their items to be removed into a large, green container.

Yeah, okay. He was the owner of a sanitation engineering company. Turns out that running the business was similar to surgery. People had to be thoroughly trained, twelve years of college not required. Just like removing a tumor from an artery, he got to clean up and make people happy by doing so. Only this time, he wasn't such a grump about it. How could he with his sweet Marinette by his side?

Adrien supposed that some where, out there, there was a girl who wanted a child by a garbage disposal man. Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng Agreste.

And so, the story that began with a puss filled infection, the need for immediate medical attention, and a doctor with perfect timing (no matter how much he wanted to keep walking past), ended with a bright future. Adrien got the blessed opportunity to love this girl, one he didn't deserve, to his heart's content.

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