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"Honestly, girl, it might be time to be done with the jerk and move on. It's been an emotional rollercoaster and this can't be good for you."

Alya and Marinette wound up at a coffee shop; it happened to be the same exact one they always visited. Since there was a torrential downpour occurring outside, the pair decided to grab some lattes to celebrate the occasion.

It had actually been a distant amount of time since they shared their special tradition.

While Marinette had allowed a week or so to pass since her last cellular discussion with Adrien, she was still not back to her full, bursting sunshine self. There was a singular grey cloud in her emotional forecast that longed for closure with the blonde.

The girl tried her absolute hardest to return to herself, but she kept getting bogged down.  It was the little reminders, things like a package of red roped candy at the grocery store, oatmeal cookies or advertisements for that hit drama tv show about a hospital. All of it digging at her wound.

Disregarding her shredded love life, Marinette instead focused on her art gallery. Much to her surprise, she still had complete access to the account that Adrien had gifted her.

While a snippet of her subconscious felt guilty about using his money, she continued to utilize it. After all, the blonde man was practically rolling and dripping in shiny gold coins and red rubies.

The dark haired girl snuggled her cheek into the sleeve of her oversized, cream sweater. Her hair was tied up into a loose ponytail, second day curls waterfalling from the elastic. Several pieces of hair framed her naked face. Until further notice, Marinette was on a makeup strike, not wanting to ruin yet another perfect mascara application.

Every once in a while, she would find herself tearing up over the situation. Marinette was the type of person that invests in a person with her entire heart. By her first impression of Adrien, she thought he was special. Special enough to never rupture her spirit, emotional or otherwise.

After all, they had met under a threatening circumstance. They say that someone you meet and carry a shared experience with is hard to forget. Freaking amen to that one.

"I think you're right. I can't keep sulking for the rest of my life," Marinette sniffled, digging her nose into the soft fabric adorning her thinning figure.

While Alya had rapidly drained her caffeinated beverage, Marinette took to slowly nursing her mug, caring for the drink like a delicate, newborn baby. Alya sighed at the pitiful sight of her best friend before her.

Mentally, she gave the grieving girl some credit. If a stranger had caught a slight glimpse of the blue eyed girl, they would think she maybe had a stagnant sniffle or had just rolled out of bed.

When merited, Marinette could completely hide her feelings.

It was up to Alya to seek them out into the light. Ready or not, here she comes.

"I agree, Mari. I know you, and I know that you need to speak to him again before you can fully move on. I don't really know what you guys were defined as, but I know he meant a lot to you. If you'd like, I can help you come up with a coarse of action."

"I would appreciate that, Als," Marinette whispered, bluebells glimmering with tears of thankfulness. She really was lucky to be blessed with the best friendship of the bespectacled girl across from her. Her mood was marginally lifted, her appetite reappearing suddenly.

A waiter walked by, Marinette grabbing his attention with the flitting wave of her slim wrist, and ordering a cream cheese danish. As her attention returned to the table, she chugged the remaining lukewarm coffee in one go. Using the sleeve of her sweater, she wiped her mouth improperly, not even caring if there was a little brown residue on her lightly colored apparel.

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