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"I'm telling you, Dr. Agreste, offering a settlement will make everything go away."

Adrien sighed, running a hand through his frazzled blonde locks. "But it wasn't my fault! The surgery went really bad, really fast. There was no intent on my behalf to harm the patient! If I give in, the family she left behind will think I did it on purpose," he firmly stated. He was stressing out and so hopelessly lost. His lawyer was advising him over the phone, the counseling doing very little to ease his mind.

Last night had been a doozy, with making certain Marinette was safely delivered in his bedroom, and getting served fear inducing court papers so unexpectedly. The dark haired girl was a huge handful last night, not easily wanting to fall asleep instead of curing her... peculiar hunger. Where had such intentions from Marinette come from?

"All I'm saying is that offering a lump sum will end it all. We can submit a letter that you can write, sharing your side, should they choose to accept," Mr. Reed, Adrien's lawyer, spoke. He rubbed at his forehead, his brain pounded with annoyance. Nothing was ever going to be good enough. "Look, I can meet you in twenty minutes to discuss this in person," Mr. Reed said, taking Adrien's hesitance as a bad thing.

"Thank you, Sir. I will. Have a good day now."

Hanging up the phone, he slammed the device on the kitchen countertop. Realizing that he was going to see his lawyer shortly, he rested his head down on the cold granite. Why did he have to close with that particular farewell when the two would be conversing very soon? He was obviously loosing his doctorly touch.

Glancing at the digital stove clock, he thought it time to make doubly sure Marinette was awake before taking off. His skin felt icky, not fully sure how to address last night's situation. Adrien needed a massive breather from the girl, deeming it necessary that she spend a little time away from him. The few days they had together were so fun to him, however he was worried. Last night had been a rather startling change. If she was lusting to bed him on a drunken whim, there was no telling what other bad influences he was placing on her. If the girl was that willing to sleep with him, she had clearly gone ill.

Aware of their conversation on the rooftop of the coffee shop, he wanted to be certain that she would be completely ready for any next step they would take. Making up his mind, he traipsed to the bedroom door, knocking on it.

When he opened the door ajar, he peeked out. Emerald eyes met pretty, widened bluebell ones. Marinette looked like a deer caught in bright headlights, eyes bugging out of their sockets. Her hands trembled, clutching his blanket to her chest tightly, wringing out the soft lip of the bountiful fabric.

Throughout their following conversation, they established that Marinette was going to visit her place for a little while. The two also decided that she would end up spending the night here again later. Adrien blushed with the possibility of what her sensual words could mean. He was almost positive that she meant that she was ready to up the anti, especially with the way she allowed the blanket to swoop lower. Don't even get him started on that tempting lip bite of hers. The man was positive Marinette was ready to share such a moment, as she made sly moves while sober.

Shaking his head and realigning his thoughts, Adrien left, heading toward his lawyer's office. It was a brisk walk, short in nature, but sent him shivers to his pale skin nonetheless. The temperature was beginning to drop steadily, the rain halting temporarily. From the looks of things, it was fixing to drizzle a little bit later. Slinking his hands deeper into his wool coat, Adrien drifted back to Marinette snuggled cozily in his bed. The sight was more than appealing, and one he intended to lock away forever.

She was just too beautiful. And they were friends. Platonically friends who liked to spend time together. And maybe liked to hang out constantly. With the possibility of sleeping together tonight looming in his busy brain, the blonde man tripped over his own shoes, sending his lanky body to the cement ground. He grunted and coiled up in pain, red hot and mad at himself for doing something so dumb. He was sure to have a hematoma or twenty.

"You need some help?" A female's voice tepidly asked. Adrien peered upward to see a blonde woman with an outstretched hand. "I'm fine," he firmly stated, pushing himself to his feet and collecting the handle of his small briefcase together. "Are you sure? Your forehead is bleeding pretty badly there," she continuously pressed, not wanting to take no for an answer.

"I'm fine, good day, Miss," he ushered, trying to escape the invisible ties the girl seemed to place on him. "Well, if you decide you need anything, give me a holler. I work at the diner right here, okay?" she stated, winking before entering the restaurant. Groaning, he trudged on. Sure, he had always figured he had decent looks, going off of the sheer numbers of women who seemed utterly compelled to flirt with him. The blonde man never regretted turning every female down, not having the desire to sleep around. Sure, the man wasn't a virgin, but he wasn't easy either.

The only prospect he could see himself being with in such a vulnerable state would be the dark haired girl who was nakedly snoozing in his own satin sheets earlier. Picturing the mental image again, he shuttered in blissful delight.

Adrien was floored that he found himself in his lawyer's office with the distractions flashing across his psyche. The chair he was utilizing was rather uncomfortable, despite the fact that it was made of expensive, dark leather. "I know you want to peruse other options, but I think countering with a settlement is the best way-"

"Sounds swell. Let's do it," Adrien succumbed. At this point, he was regretting sending the blue eyed girl away. The world wasn't safe for a lonely, beautiful girl, especially in the crowded city. Anything was subject to happen, and Adrien didn't like it. Not one little bit. Nothing could harm her before he could claim her as his own, with her consent, of course. There was no chance in hell he'd allow such a terrible occurrence to befall Marinette. Not if he could help it.

"I beg your pardon?" Mr. Reed exasperated. "If all you wanted was to agree with me, then why did we have to meet in person?"

Adrien sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose harshly. "I know what I said. With further consideration, I realized you were absolutely correct. What's our next move?" Adrien asked, reducing himself to a worn, exhausted man. Mr. Reed was right. Considering his possible future with Marinette, he didn't want the sweet girl to put up with his constant court trials and potential, yet inevitable, jailing. He did accidentally cause the death of a patient, after all. Making the looming issue go away with a tiny, shred of dignity was far better than fighting against the grain and paying the price. Marinette would leave him for sure. He couldn't bear the weight of the sagging disappoint his friend would surely feel.

"We send in a settlement sum of five hundred thousand dollars. You write a letter accounting for how the surgery went south. We submit and cross our fingers. From then on out, it's all dependent on circumstance."

Adrien rubbed his sweaty palms on his slacks. He had the money for it. The only issue was if he had enough for this settlement and sufficient funds for each bell and whistle he wanted to grant Marinette and her gallery. No matter what it was that he had to sacrifice, he would see to it that Marinette's dream would come true and the case would dissipate. No matter the heavy cost.

"Okay. I can do that," he agreed, shaking Mr. Reed's hand.


Hello beautiful people!! I hope your day/night has been great! Leave a vote or comment if you so choose!

Bubbles <3

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