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"Thank you, Sir. I will. Have a good day now."

Marinette stirred from her slumber. There was a prominent pounding residing in her head, showing no sign of leaving soon. Memories of alcoholic beverages and endless giggles flossed her brain. She found it hard to move her body, severely lacking motivation. One of her blue eyes slid open, squinting from the sunlight streaming through the thick fabric curtains.

She continuously laid in bed for a few minutes, growing more and more cognizant as time passed. Eventually, Marinette realized she was in Adrien's bedroom again. When did she get here? Sighing, the girl sat up, stretching her limbs far, hoping to alleviate the pooling tension embedded deeply in her tight muscles. There was a tall glass of water sitting on the nightstand near her.

Reaching over, Marinette grasped the blessed container, bringing it over to her dry lips. With a few big gulps, she nearly drained the glass. Several drops of the chilly water landed on her skin, making her wonder why she could feel such a sensation through her clothes. One glance was enough for her to understand that there was indeed a sorely lack of clothing on her entire body. Marinette was naked. With this thought at the forefront of her mind, she quickly covered her chest with the fluffy quilt on his bed before she heard a knock on the closed door.

"Come in!" she called, extremely nervous. His face is expressionless, his hair unkempt and eyes brighter than the sun. Knowing that something clearly happened between them last night had her stomach churning into sailor knots, and legs twitching uncontrollably.

"How did you sleep?" Adrien asked, almost like it was a requirement for him to. Clutching the blanket closely to her frame, she drifted off into space. How could she have wasted something so precious on Adrien while not sober? Sure, he has his sweet moments and seemed to bare his feelings to her without filter, but she thought they were just friends. Despite the fact that he confessed to being okay with taking their relationship to the next level, in whatever faction she chose, she was a little unnerved.

"Hello? Marinette? Are you okay?" Adrien asked. He had moved from the doorway to the edge of the bed, now waving a spread hand in her face to capture her attention. "Uh... y-yeah. I'm fine. Look, what exactly happened last night?" she questioned, hesitation ridden in her shaky voice. He blinked slowly. "Well, I took you here to make sure no one else left with you. At some point, you decided it would be genius to strip and... offer yourself to me. I turned you down and slept on the couch, which was my intent all long," Adrien spoke, his piercing eyes never flickering from hers.

"So we didn't..."

He gently shook his head no, ruffling his pretty blonde locks. Marinette was wholly aware of just how uncovered she happened to be. No matter how hard she tugged on the covers, her pale shoulders and complete back were still showing. Adrien, however was a gentleman, mostly, and only shifted his eyesight once to slide down her barren skin. "Adrien, I-"

"I think you should go check on things at your place for the day. Maybe... reconcile with Alya?" Adrien suggested. Taking in a deep breath, Marinette nodded vigorously. "That sounds like a good idea," she whispered, licking her chapped lips, not wanting to disagree with him. "O-Okay then," his words wavered. From the curve his body harbored against the bed, she could gather that he was tempted to have his way with her. It must have taken him a sheer ton of restraint as he stood up and stalked to leave.

"Wait!" Marinette yelled suddenly. He turned, facing her. "Yes?" Adrien responded. She filled, searching for the right words to speak. "May I spend the night here again tonight?"

Her question must have taken the blonde man by surprise, his entire body stiffening at her sentence. Across his cheeks stood a hearty blush, one easily noticeable. "If you wish," he replied. Guardedly, Marinette allowed the pillowed quilt to sag against her chest, slipping lower and lower until a small amount of cleavage was aired in the open. Adrien thickly swallowed at the flaming sight, his shoulders tensing and ears growing warm. As an added bonus, she bit her lip. In a rushed manner, Adrien excused himself and fled to exit the bedroom.

With a sigh, she laid back down in bed. Hopefully he understood when she had meant when she said she wanted to sleepover. Maybe it wouldn't be too terribly bad to test out a few things. As long as they didn't go all the way, no harm could be done, right?

With a final head-nod, she clamored out of the sheets, slinking on her dress she'd worn for the past two days. Brushing her hair, and borrowing his toothbrush, Marinette was getting herself ready for the day. When she entered the living room, she could see that Adrien had already left, no trace of him in sight. Collecting her purse and raincoat, Marinette clomped down on the pavement outside, absolutely confused.

Sure, she'd mentally pep talked herself into possibly getting a kiss or two with Adrien later. She was also certain that he understood what she expected. After all, she couldn't remain untouched forever, she supposed. If the girl was going to receive action, she wanted it to be with someone she trusted.

What absolutely puzzled the girl was why he insisted that they spend the day apart. Adrien was never one to push her away, and it totally baffled her. If anything, he was much too possessive of her. Never-minding the matter, the girl unlocked her apartment and stepped inside. Upon first glance, everything was just fine. Marinette decided to deep clean her space anyway. Vacuuming, scrubbing and watering her plants were all annoying, adult chores she needed to complete. With her hair tied in a ponytail and sleeves pushed to her elbows, she got to work. The blush inducing motivator was actually in the form of Adrien himself.

All until there was a resounding knock at her front door. Stumbling to open it, there stood Alya. "I know I'm the last person you wanted to see right now, but Adrien called on your phone earlier and said we should talk. Look, I'm sorry I was so judgmental of you two, but I'm just worried for you and only want the best. The guy practically kidnapped you for several days and my mind ran to the worst possible conclusion. I'm so, so sorry, Marinette. Can you forgive me?" Alya spoke, grasping Marinette's hands the entire time. With a sweet smile, she nodded. Hugging her best friend, she relaxed in the familiar embrace.

A few hours later, the two were curled up on the couch with a half eaten package of chocolate sandwich cookies and coffee. They were watching Friends and laughing along with the show. It felt nice to hang out with Alya again, like returning home for the holidays.

There became a pause in between episodes, both too lazy to grab the remote and start it, just waiting on Netflix to automatically play the episode. The connection wasn't the strongest, making the system lag slightly. "Hey, Alya? Can I ask you a question?"


"Have you ever... done a little bit more than kiss a guy before?" The question forced Alya to choke on the masticated cookie that was in her mouth. "Excuse me?" she countered once she recovered. "I-I mean... I sort of insinuated that I might be okay with kissing Adrien when I stay the night with him later," she whispered. Alya cleared her throat. "You know how I feel about that dude, but if you must know, yes. I'm not a virgin. What exactly do you want to know?"

"What does it feel like to kiss a guy?"

Alya shook her head in disbelief. Marinette was too naive for her own good. "If it's with the right one, it'll feel like you're spinning on a merry-go-round with fireworks going off. But, Honey, are you sure he wants to just kiss you?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean... asking to sleep over at his place again makes it sound like you're ready to give everything up."

"What?! You really think he thinks that?"

"I'll bet you ten bucks he's purchasing condoms and rose petals right now."

"Oi vey."

Love, Bubbles <3

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