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"Please I beg you, you can't kick me out, I have nowhere to go" I begged miss Walters as she threw my bag back outside.

"Listen little girl, it's been three weeks since your grandma's burial, you can't stay here cos then you have to pay the house rent and that's something I know you can't do".

"I beg you miss Walters, I promise to try my best to pay you".

"I can't do that Rose, I have someone willing to pay more than your grandma paid me so just go back to your parents".

"My parents are dead miss, please".

I tried again, begging and begging but she wouldn't listen. She just threw me out on the street like some worthless pig.

The drop of water on my skin made me shiver and before I knew it, the rain started.

It came as fast as my tears were coming, reminding me of Xavier and our promises.

I hope he finds me, he promised me, i'm sure he'll find me.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear. Taking my arms in his and bringing it to my lips.

"I never want to leave you" he said again bringing my lips closer to his.

"What if something happens and we have to leave each other"

"That will never happen Rose and if it does, I'll find you, I pinky promise" he said putting out his pinky finger and I locked mine with his.

"I love you" I told him, sealing our lips.

He promised and he always fulfilled all his promises, this won't be any different.

Running to look for cover, I notice an alley and run in there. I stop dead in my tracks when I see two men standing there both in black.

"Do you need something?" One of them asks.

I shake my head and smile at them as they offer me an umbrella.

If they decide to kill me then I wouldn't have to suffer on the streets. So I make my way to the two of them and collect the umbrella.

   Two weeks later

"I got you this" Paul says to me handing me a burger.

"How did you afford it?" I ask looking at my two supports since the day I was kicked out of my home.

"Trust me, you don't want to know" Samuel said shaking his head.

Shaking my head at the both of them, I divide the burger into three and share it with them.

They try denying it but I insist on then eating. They've been nothing but good to me since the first day I saw them.

After hearing my story, Paul offered me a place inside his tent. It was more than I could ask for seeing as I was homeless so I accepted his generosity immediately.

The sound of sirens made me jump and my fear increased as two police cars blocked the alley.

A man came out from the car with a gun, pointing it at Paul and Sam.

"You're under arrest for assault and theft, you have the right to remain silent as whatever you say can and would be used against you in the court of law". The man said cuffing Sam as another one came and took Paul neither of them acknowledging me.

"Paul!!" I shouted as I noticed this wasn't a joke.

He turned and gave me a small smile before mouthing be strong and always remember God.

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