chapter 9

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"Hey, hey, Rose wake up."

I groan as I feel someone poking me who of course has to be Liam.


"Get up, we're going to be late and I really want you to meet someone".

I groan as I open my eyes, the sunlight shining brightly.

Turning to the side, I smile at Liam as I sit up on the bed, trying to rub the sleep away from my eyes.

"Come on, we don't want our employees seeing us as bad examples now do we?" he asks and then I notice he's dressed in a blue suit, ready for work.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You just look so peaceful and beautiful when you're asleep and I didn't want to disturb you". He says shrugging with a huge smile on his face.

"You look awfully happy today" I say matching his smile.

"Well my childhood friend, Emma is coming over today and I've wanted you guys to meet for a long time and it's finally going to happen today".

"You're acting like a girl introducing her boyfriend" I say getting up from the bed and crossing my arms.

"I'm just a guy looking forward to introducing someone I've considered my sister to my future wife" he says walking over to me and giving me a kiss before pushing me to the bathroom.

I roll my eyes as I close the door.

He's extremely happy today and something tells me it's not just because of the introduction.

After minutes of washing myself and singing to myself as Xavier slips into my mind, I finally come out and decide to go for a short body hugging red gown with a zip at the front.

For my leg, I decide to go for a black high heels with strap.

Overall, I have to admit, I look gorgeous and this is all for Xavier.

I let my long wavy hair fall, loving the way it stops just above my butt and I have to say those times spent watching YouTube videos did pay off.

I grab my hand bag and go down the stairs and smile in triumph as I see Liam do a double take at my sight.

"Wow!" he says keeping his mouth open.

"I never knew dark red lipstick would suit you best". He says walking over and standing just an inch away from me.

"Well I decided to try something new today" I say side stepping him and walking to where the car has already been parked at the front.

Liam joins a few minutes later, talking to someone on the phone.

He waits till he's done with the call before driving off, mumbling a sorry.

Every checkpoint we get to, he places his hand on my bare thigh and rubs it before taking them away.

I breath a sigh of relief as we get to the office. Liam stretches his hand out for me to take and I do so hesitating a little bit.

He walks me to my office door, giving me a peck before walking into his own office.

I contemplate going to Xavier before settling down and after a while, I decide to see him later and go to work instead.

My phone rings and I want to ignore it, but then I see it's Sarah calling and immediately, I pick it.

We talk for thirty minutes straight and none of what she says is important but of course I have to tell her about how things are going between me and Xavier.

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