chapter 10

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"I can't believe he actually did that to you".

I look up at Sarah as she stares at me in disbelief, trying to wrap her head around everything I just told her.

"You'd better start believing cos i have a bruise to show it". I say, pointing to the purple bruise that was beginning to show on my head.

"This is unbelievable, I never knew Luke was capable of doing something like that".

"Look Sarah, I know this is hard for you since he's your cousin but you know I'd never lie to you especially about something this serious".

She finally closes her mouth and walks away, disappearing into the kitchen and coming back with an ice pack.

"I don't need that".

"Yes you do".

"No I don't"

"I don't understand you Rose, when I met you years ago, you were so weak and shy, now you're the complete opposite".

I don't understand what that has to do with the situation I'm in now but looking back, she is kind of right.

If it was back then, I'd probably be crying my eyes out but now, I'm stronger than that and I know I shouldn't waste a single tear for someone who doesn't deserve it.

"Are you going to call your brothers?" she asks settling beside me.

"What! No, of course not, they'll kill him and you know it".

"How about Xavier?" The mentioning of his name makes my heart skip and the sorrow I felt when I found out he has a fiancee, comes back with full force.

"He's engaged" I say with a straight face, hoping she'd understand and not ask anymore questions.

"Wow" she says but she drops it immediately and I'm thankful for the fact that she's someone who understands me.

After a few minutes of silence, Sarah grabs her phone from where it's plugged and disappears into her room, she comes back a few minutes later with a smile.

"What?" I ask, hoping she hasn't done something stupid.

"So, I called a really close friend of my dad who stays at California and I told him I have a friend who needs a place to stay for a while and he doesn't mind".

"Are you crazy!!! Why would you do that?"

"You said you want to get away for a while and that's the only thing I could think of". She says shrinking and pulling a sad face.


"What if he's some kind of criminal or womanizer?" I ask bringing my hands down my face in frustration.

I look at Sarah as she laughs. The idiot has the guts to laugh right now.

Are you freaking kidding me.

"Don't flatter yourself Rose, I mean you're pretty but this guy would kill for his wife and besides he has three children, I don't think he'd hit on you".


"Trust me Rose, he's sixty five. Although his son might hit on you". She says and practically runs out of the living room.

The bitch is doing this on purpose.

I call Paul and contemplate telling him about everything but then again it isn't his business so instead, I tell him I'm going on a trip for a while, probably a month or two and after thirty whole frustrating minutes of asking me questions, he drops it.

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