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Jimin has absolutely no idea why he texted Yoongi. Maybe it was the notion - or fact, he grudgingly admits - that he wanted to see those sleepy (stunning) triangular eyes again. Maybe because he's aware of the sad fact he has no real friends, unless he counts Hoseok hyung, but the man acts more as a concerned colleague than anything else. Maybe Jimin wanted to prove his 'powers' right. Or wrong.

It's 3:17 according to the wall clock. Jimin's sitting in the same booth as yesterday, hoping Yoongi shows up, even though man never replied. He doesn't even care about the lack of punctuality anymore. Just let him show up. There's a want - or need, he honestly can't tell the difference - that tugs violently at his heartstrings and he doesn't have a clue why.

His prayers are answered when the door opens an in walks the pink haired man. He faintly wishes that he could hear the bell ring. Yoongi gazes up from the floor and scans the shop, which is somewhat busy. The triangular eyes fix on his and suddenly, Jimin feels self conscious of his own droopy eyes and rubs at them as if they'll magically perk up.

Yoongi gets in line and Jimin tries not to stare. He wonders if Yoongi is in college and while thinking realizes that he doesn't have a drink in front of him.Fuck. Now he just looks stupid, sitting alone in a coffee shop with no coffee.

However, just as Jimin's about to get up and order, Yoongi slides into the booth with two mugs in his hands. He hands one - an Americano - to Jimin and the younger takes it gratefully. Jimin notices a steaming mocha in the other hand.

"So do you like mocha now or what?" he blurts. He redirects his attention to his own coffee and forces himself to take a few sips. The liquid is scalding hot and his tongue feels like it's on fire. He jerks the cup away from his face and blushes in embarrassment.

Yoongi shrugs and says something that Jimin doesn't catch in time. He speaks loudly, Jimin can tell. A small vein throbs on his neck, and he tries not to stare at it or Yoongi's jawline or the way his eyebrows curve downward tensely.

"You don't have to speak loudly. I can't hear you anyways. I'm completely deaf," Jimin tries to hide the annoyance in his voice.

"Oh. Sorry. How can I help then?"

Jimin doesn't need Yoongi's pity, but it does mean something that he's making an effort. "Just speak clearly and face me."

"Got it. How'd you get a job here anyways?" Yoongi chuckles.

Jimin's sure he didn't mean for it to be rude, but it feels like a kick to the gut. "I'm deaf, not blind. And I only mess up orders when people mumble like you did," he snaps scornfully.

Yoongi flinches, most likely picking up the hurt in his voice. "Sorry. I didn't know." Jimin grumbles and tries to stay mad, but he's not an angry person. Yoongi is genuinely concerned, and he appreciates it, but he could do without the sympathy.

"How old are you?" Jimin inquires, hoping to change the subject. When the pink haired man replies that he's 23, he realizes that Yoongi probably isn't in college. "What do you do for a living then?"

Yoongi hesitates, his triangular brown eyes swimming in uncertainty. "Why do you work here?" he asks, sipping his mocha slowly.

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Answer my question. I asked you first."

The older man gives him a mockingly annoying eye roll in return. "I asked you second."

Knowing he's not going to get anywhere with Yoongi's incessant arguing, Jimin swallows his pride. "The owner - Kim Namjoon - is a childhood friend of mine and my roommate, and he gave me the job so I could save up for college." When Yoongi just stares dumbly, he adds, "A special college. For deaf people."

"Oh." That seems to be the only thing Yoongi can say half the time. "Well. Uh. I'm a pianist. Classical. But I play and compose contemporary too. All eras and types of music really, but my favorite..." He's rambling now, but Jimin can't hear him over his own pounding thoughts.

A musician.

Jimin hasn't heard music in what seems like forever. Before his accident, he had wanted to be a dancer, but his hearing, along with his hopes and dreams, had been shattered. He feels salty, bitter tears welling up in his eyes now and sweeps the back of his hand across his face. Not in front of Yoongi. Not in front of anyone.

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