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Jimin stays throughout Yoongi's entire performance - more than two hours. Yoongi makes sure to check on the table where the younger man is at after every song. He half expects Jimin to be asleep, head lolling on the backrest of the chair or body slumped on the table each time, especially after the boy finishes his meal and sits with nothing to do, but his eyes are intently trained on Yoongi (or the piano, though he likes to think Jimin is looking at him too) each time.

When he finishes his final song, he turns to the crowd and manages small smile at Jimin when the latter waves excitedly to him from the audience of restaurant goers. After he receives his cheque from Seokjin, who congratulates him on a gig well played, he hustles through the crowd, which seems a lot bigger now that he's not on a raised stage, to the table where Jimin is, although it's harder to find now that he's shorter than a lot of the people. He spots a head of brown hair in the crowd and darts around dazed customers as he finally gets a clear view of the table.

He doesn't expect to see a waiter flirting with the younger man.

Before he can even take a breath, he sees red and makes a beeline towards the two bodies, which seem way too close to each other, not hesitating to shove people out of his way.

"May I get a name and number along with that tip?" the waiter poses innocently once he's within earshot, but Yoongi doesn't miss the smugness in his undertone.

He marches up to the two and accidentally-on-purpose elbows the waiter out of the way. "No, you may not," Yoongi gives the tall man a tight smile and pulls Jimin close to him. It takes all his willpower not to throw a hard earned punch. "As you may notice, he's here with me today."

The waiter steps back, clearly surprised. "I see. Well have fun tonight then," he winks. Yoongi glares at his back as it gets smaller and smaller with distance. He whips around to face Jimin.

The younger boy is staring at him with a smirk plastered on his face almost as annoying as the waiter's. "What?" he throws his arms up in bewilderment.

"Jealous much?" Jimin teases, "This is a non-date, remember?" Yoongi hears an accent that he didn't notice before. Whether it's because Jimin's from Busan (he gushed about his hometown for nearly half the ride here) or his deafness, after all, the boy hadn't had practice hearing his own voice for god knows how long, he doesn't know.

Yoongi scoffs. "Hell no, now get your ass in the truck before I leave without you." Is he jealous? He dislikes that Jimin is spending time with people other than him and - oh God, why is he so possessive of something - someone - that's not even his?

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