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They've arrived back at Yoongi's apartment building, and Yoongi's taking the keyboard to his room himself, bless his soul. Jimin doesn't know if he could have taken another backbreaking walk. They haven't properly said goodbye, so he waits awkwardly beside the truck.

When Yoongi returns to a shivering Jimin, he hollers, "You could have waited inside the car, you know."

"I was going to take the bus home after saying goodbye," he mumbles.

"Ah, but it's only polite of me to drive you home." Yoongi giggles light-heartedly, and the sight makes Jimin's heart melt. And Yoongi looks so perfect right now, hair slightly mussed and clothes disheveled from the trek with the keyboard, the corners of his lips tugged towards his ears to reveal his endearing gummy smile, eyes shining with delight. Jimin gives in to the euphoria and suddenly, their lips are pressed together. Yoongi tastes beyond everything he ever expected, sweet like chocolatey coffee and that peppermint scent that always follows him around. And holy fuck, he's kissing Yoongi and Yoongi is kissing him back. Suddenly aware of his hands at his sides, he brings them up and wraps one arm around Yoongi's back and sets the other on his nape to pull his head closer. He has to tip his chin up slightly to reach Yoongi's lips (curse his height), and the pink haired man smiles against the kiss. As he runs his hand through the fading pink locks of Yoongi's soft hair, he notes how light and silky it is. The utter shock is kicking in and wow, Yoongi's a really good kisser, his lips soft and velvety as they press into Jimin's, and Jimin never wants to pull away, wants to kiss Yoongi for days, but he's human and he has to breathe.

"I don't really have anything to go home to," he shrugs when he catches his breath.

Yoongi smirks, a twinkle in his eye. "Then why don't you stay here. With me. For warmth?" It was probably meant to come out smooth, but he stutters in getting the words out, a flustered blush rising to his cheeks. Yoongi shyly grabs his hand, and their warm fingers slide perfectly together, Yoongi's sugary skin against his own as he gives a reassuring squeeze.

"Suave as ever, I see," Jimin laughs, then rests his chin on his curled fingers in mock thought. "On one condition." Yoongi rolls his eyes but motions for him to elaborate. "You take me on a proper date."

Yoongi raises his eyebrow until it disappears behind his hair, and it's so goddamn adorable that Jimin has to bite back the desire to kiss him again. "I know a pretty good coffee shop around here if you'd like to go. The coffees and the baristas there are both pretty hot if you catch my drift."

"I love you." Jimin's not surprised at how easily it spills out of his mouth. His feelings toward Yoongi are practically second nature now.

Yoongi tilts his head in wonder, but smiles lazily. "Jimin, do you remember when I whispered something to you back at the orphanage?"

How could he forget? That moment had felt so intimate even though for all Jimin knew, Yoongi could've whispered "Fuck you, you slimy ass hoe." Although there's only a 1% chance that that's what he said. 1.5% if he's being honest with himself.

"I said 'I love you.'"

Jimin later finds himself kissing Yoongi's whipped cream mustache away over an Americano and a mocha.

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