Chapter Two.

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Natalia lazily yawned as she woke up on March 29th

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Natalia lazily yawned as she woke up on March 29th. She pulled herself from her cocoon and shuffled towards the bathroom.

That was until she saw the time. 3:30 pm. She had an hour and fourteen minutes to get ready and get there.

The girl praised herself for having a shower the night before as she ran into the bathroom, grabbing hold of her toothbrush and squeezing a blob of toothpaste onto it. She was impressed with how quickly she got ready that morning; she was even able to grab a coffee from the local coffee shop before making her way towards the location; towards the unknown.


Natalia grimaced as she stood outside the apartment block written on her tarot card. She took a final gulp of her large mocha before throwing the cup into a nearby trashcan. She took a deep breath before climbing up the concrete stairs and walking into the building. A groan made its way from her mouth as she looked around the lobby; noticing no lift, only a mountain of stairs awaiting her. With a sigh she started to climb, silently cursing herself for wearing heeled shoes. Though as she continued to climb she let out a breath of relief, knowing her torture was over as she saw the number on the door before climbing up the last set of stairs.

"J. Daniel Atlas. Nice to meet you." She heard a voice say as she reached the floor she needed. She saw a man wearing a hat flip Daniel off causing her to chuckle slightly as he continued to talk "Very nice. I know who you are and I just want to say that I'm not interested in you doing your mentalism thing on us. Especially when we don't know who brought us here or even if it's real" Natalia scoffed at the Daniel while the older looking man shushed him and put his fingers to the side of his head; She knew he was a fellow mentalist.

"Hold on, I'm sensing... I'm sensing you're a control freak" The mentalist stated causing the red head female to chuckle while Daniel looked unfazed.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Daniel replied while the red head stepped forward.

"Well it doesn't take a mentalist to figure that out. You are a control freak" The women said causing Daniel to look towards her a smirk on his face.

"Oh well I take that as a compliment" Daniel replied causing the red head to chuckle.

"Only you would take that as a compliment."

"Another compliment" Daniel continued to smirk while Natalia looked between the two a chuckled.

"So that's why you're no longer a couple" The younger girl stated, causing the three to turn their attention to her, only then noticing her presence. The two voiced their protested together causing Natalia and the older man to chuckle as they watched the two.

"He used to saw me in half" the red head argued as she studied the girl in front of her, admiring her outfit.

"She was a very good assistant" Daniel stated causing the redhead to scoff slightly.

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