Chapter Three.

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It had been a year since the five met in that old rundown apartment

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It had been a year since the five met in that old rundown apartment. It had been a year for the five to become closer; each of them building a connection with one another. Natalia and Henley had become as close as sisters, both of them sharing a love for fashion which had been a key into their friendship growing so fast. Merritt had become like a loving uncle to Natalia, always looking out for her and ensuring she was okay; while still making her laugh so hard a stitch formed in her side. Danny and Natalia had a strange relationship they were both close friends that was for definite but there was something else between the two that they were either not willing to accept or didn't see. Natalia and Jack though... they were a different story, both of them had become very close in the year that had passed; both of them labelling themselves as best friends even though everyone else could see that they both had feelings for one another, they were just too shy to admit it; even though the two would constantly flirt with one another, find each other's gazes across any room, hug one another for a second too long or even occasionally linger a kiss on the others' cheek.

A lot had changed in the year they had been together; both Danny and Natalia became the leaders of the group. Natalia more becoming so because they group felt that if Danny was just in charge then they would all be driven to insanity.

Though that aside the five had become close; close like family. The five had become The Five Horseman.


"Merritt McKinney, Daniel Atlas, Henley Reeves, Natalia Romav, Jack Wilder. Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly present... The Five Horseman."

Natalia smiled as she walked around the large stage; her eyes widening with joy at the amount of people clapping and cheering them on; people they were able to impress with their magic.

"Thank you" Merritt said as he addressed the crowd. "Tonight, we would like to try something that will, well, set us a bit apart"

"I think you mean it will really set us apart" Natalia cut in causing Merritt to chuckle.

"For our final trick we are going to do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage" Henley explained to the crowed as she walked down from centre stage.

"Or any stage for that matter" Jack added as he sent a wink towards Natalia who blushed slightly as both her and Danny walked up the stairs to the middle of the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight..." Daniel started sending a small smile to the young magician next to him before the smiled widely to the rest of the crowd.

"We are going to rob a bank" The two said in unison causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. Natalia and the rest of Horseman chuckled at their response.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime" Danny stated causing Natalia to laugh as she shuffled around in her heels while the other three horsemen walked around the circular stage all smiling at the audience.

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