Chapter Eleven.

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Henley asked the girl who was in one of Danny's sweatshirts and wearing leggings on her legs. "You don't have too" the redhead added as the two males set up the camera.

"I want to. Jack would want us to finish this" Natalia replied her hair pulled in a messy bun; her arms wrapped tightly around her body.

"Come on then" Henley muttered as she wrapped her arm around the girls' shoulder and led her towards the coach the four would be filming on. Henley sat on the end with Natalia next to her; Danny next to Natalia and Merritt on the other end.

"Ready?" Danny asked causing the three to nod before he started the recording. For most of the speech Natalia zoned out; trying to think of all the positives in her life. She still had Henley, Danny and Merritt; they've proven to her that they weren't going anywhere. And if a few hours' time she was about to bring joy to a lot of people once again.

"The point of why we're here is to say that we are not..." She heard Merritt pause as though trying to think of what to say before continuing "We cannot quit now. We've started something bigger than all of us. We have to finish it"

"Remember the name Jack Wilder when you see us live. 5 Pointz, Queens, 7 o'clock." Henley added before Danny stopped the recording.

"You ready for this Natalia" Danny muttered to the girl next to him, causing her to send him a kind smile.

"Yeah. As I said, Jack would want us to finish this. So, lets finish this. Finish this with a bang" Natalia replied as she got up from her seat and jogged up the steps. The three just sending one another a guilty look as they watched her retreating figure.

"She's gonna hate us when she finds out" Henley whispered as the three remaining Horsemen sighed before collectively getting ready for their show.


Natalia took a deep breath a few minutes before the show was scheduled to start

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Natalia took a deep breath a few minutes before the show was scheduled to start.

"I'm proud of you Natalia" Henley told the girl as she walked to stand in front of her, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear "Even after everything you've been through you always bounce back. Something no ordinary people could do around your age. You're so strong. I envy that" Henley added, sending the girl a warming smile.

"Thanks Henley. You always were a sister to me" The younger magician responded causing the redhead's smile to widen as she pulls the girl into a tight embrace.

"Let's blow them away" Henley muttered causing the girl to chuckle as they centred themselves in front of their assigned cameras.

"We ready?" Danny asks the three remaining Horsemen causing them to smile slightly as they send each other kind looks.

"Ready" the three speak in unison before the camera's turn on, signalling the start of the show.

"What is magic?" Danny says introducing the show "Magic is deception. But deception designed to delight, to entertain, to inspire."

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