Chapter Nine.

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"We have exactly 15 minutes to hack into Arthurs account and siphon his money into others account. The list is by the computers; Henley, Natalia your up" Danny informed the group causing the girls to nod as they walked over to the two laptops set up on one of the tables.

"Remember Natalia answer the questions and transfer the right amount of money into the audience's accounts" Henley reminded the girl causing her to nod as they sat down and logged into Arthur's account.

What was the name of your first pet?

The first security question popped up onto Natalia's laptop causing her to chuckle as she though back to the time on the jet.


Natalia typed the answer to the question with a smirk as the screen changed to the next question.

What was your mother's maiden name?

Natalia smiled as she quickly typed in the answer.


"And we're in" Natalia chuckled as she clicked onto the right tab and the boys leant over her and Henley's shoulder. She could feel Danny and Jack's breath on her neck causing her to shiver as she looked at the list filled with different names of audience members.

"Remember you need to give them the correct amount they're owed" Danny muttered to the girl causing her to nod as her fingers started to fly over the keyboard quickly supplying the different amounts of money into the audiences account. After a few minutes the two girls had successfully distributed the money to everyone.

"And done" Natalia smirked as she added some money into the final account.

"And just in time" Jack smirked as the two girls shut down the computers and got up from their seats, Natalia patted down her skirt as she took a deep breath before walking towards the stage entrance.

"You ready?" Jack asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Yeah. Let's do this" Natalia smirked as she placed a kiss onto Jack's cheek before she walked over to Merritt; the two about to walk onto the stage for their finale.

"Ready Pumpkin" Merritt whispered causing Natalia to nod as they were signalled to walk onto the stage.

At the sight of the two magicians the audience immediately burst into applause causing the two to smile widely as they slowly hushed the audience down.

"At the intermission, we asked you to write down your current bank balance, and seal it in an envelope. Now it's time to take those envelopes out. Everyone take 'em out" Merritt told the audience causing everyone in the crowd to shuffle around and grab hold of their individual envelopes.

"Now, everybody, shout out your name. All at once. Go" Natalia ordered, those in the crowd immediately calling out their names over the top of one another; the theatre becoming a void of noise. "Shout 'em out" Natalia encouraged causing the crowd to yell louder.

"Woah, Woah. C-Clement? Frannick?" Merritt called out, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Yeah! Up here!" the man in question yelled as he stood up from his seat on the balcony causing Merritt and Natalia to chuckle.

"Oh. Way up there" Natalia chuckle as she looked out to the audience once again "Okay. Dina Robertson?" She called out causing a woman who was also on the balcony to stand up waving her arms slightly.

"That's me" the women called causing Natalia to smile kindly at her while Merritt continued.

"Okay. Names. Names. Let's go" Merritt ordered causing the crowd to erupt in noise once again.

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