Chapter Ten.

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The next day the Five Horsemen rushed around the apartment that they had met in; which they had refurbished to be their home for the year they had been planning their different shows

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The next day the Five Horsemen rushed around the apartment that they had met in; which they had refurbished to be their home for the year they had been planning their different shows. Natalia and Jack were throwing pieces of paper into the fire as a means to destroy the evidence while Merritt was standing by the window keeping watch. Henley sat at the computers her fingers flying across the keyboard while Danny crushed Rhodes phone under his foot.

"The firewall's down." Henley announced to the group; Natalia's heart started to race in her chest as time was running out for the five. "Do they know about this?" Henley asked as Danny filled through some of the paper that was scattered around.

"They, they who?" Danny questioned his eyes scanning over the papers in his hands.

"'They', 'them' whoever we're working for" Henley replied in an angry, rushed tone while Merritt grabbed hold of some papers and walked towards the group.

"Who are we working for?" Merritt voices the question that had been on the Horsemen's minds the whole time. "And are we prepared to go to jail for them?" Merritt questioned as Jack rushed to grab hold of some papers while Natalia threw her pile into the fire.

"Stop being paranoid" Danny argued causing Natalia to take a deep breath as the Horsemen continued to argue; she didn't like to see who she thought as family fight over something so stupid.

"It really does happen" Merritt responded as Natalia pushed herself from the floor and grabbed hold of more paper.

"It happened to you. Doesn't mean its gonna happen to us" Danny retaliated causing Natalia to look up and stare at the scene. Danny shuffled back slightly; handing Jack some papers before looking down at the table in front of him. Natalia sighed as she took some of the papers from Jacks hands.

"Guy's, I don't know if I can do this, all right. I don't want to go to jail, you know" Jack said to the group as Natalia threw the papers into the fire.

"Then don't screw up. You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult" Danny replied bluntly as though he had no time to be sympathetic to one of the younger magicians "Now is a good time to act like one. Stick to the plan. Stay here and burn it all"

Jack sighed as he and Natalia knelt by the fire once again, both of them continuing to chuck paper into the fire while the others all rushed around them.

"I don't know what I'm doing here" Merritt said out of nowhere causing Natalia to look up at the man she saw as an uncle with sad eyes.

"I don't know what you would do anywhere else" Danny replied his voice filled with sass.

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's it. Then I'm gone" Merritt replied matter-of-factly causing Natalia's heart to break. The people she saw, that she needed as a family were falling apart and there was nothing she could do about it. A tear rolled down her cheek as the three continued to argue; though she quickly wiped it away so no one would see it but it was too late.

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