Chapter Four.

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Five months ago

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Five months ago...

The Horsemen found themselves in Paris as they were putting the last pieces of their mission into motion. They had been planning their way to get Etienne to Las Vegas and they had finally figured out the right times and dates for that to be possible. Each of the Five Horsemen were scattered around a small area of Paris that Etienne walked through every day and was the perfect place for them to not only hypnotise him but also get his head measurements.

Natalia looked down at her phone as she watched the red dot that was Etienne walk closer to where Merritt was based; She had been able to hack into Etienne's own phone which allowed her to know of his location.

Merritt would be the first to walk past Etienne, followed quickly by Danny, then Henley who would 'bump' into him to get his measurements and then finally he'd walk past Jack and Natalia.

"Merritt he's right around the corner, you're up" Natalia spoke into her ear piece setting the plan into motion.

As Etienne walked around the corner and started down the stairs, Merritt walked past and muttered "Viva Las Vegas" causing Etienne to look back for a couple of moments before continuing down the stairs.

Half way down Danny walked past him, flicking a Las Vegas chip into the air right in front of Etienne's face.

Just at Etienne reached the bottom Henley bumped into the man and apologized profusely while clutching his head before walking away. "I got his measurements" Henley spoke into her ear piece as he turned the corner causing Jack and Natalia to start laughing.

"Who'd have thought we could get this is Las Vegas" Natalia chuckled as she started down at the wad of cash in Jack's hand.

"Who'd of thought I could get you, in Las Vegas" Jack muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist, making the money clear to Etienne who stared at out with greed before he continued walking; though Jack acted as though he was still in view, as he placed his empty hand onto Natalia's cheek and drew her lips onto his. Their kiss started of sweet and gentle before Natalia wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, causing Jack to wrap his arms around her waist. Their kiss instantly became more passionate, their emotions that they were holding back flooded into the kiss.

"You two all good?" A voice asked through their ear piece, breaking through their kiss and pulling them apart. They stared at each other, their breaths heavy before Natalia looked to the floor, a blush making its way onto her cheeks while Jack held a finger up to his ear.

"Yeah, we're all good, we're walking down now" Jack said, placing his hand on Natalia's lower back, leading her towards the exit of the tunnel they were in.

Natalia smiled slightly as they climbed up the stairs and joined the busy streets of Paris; her mind buzzing with thoughts and feelings, mainly of the kiss she shared with Jack but also with the growing success she felt knowing another step of their plan was complete and they were able to move onto to one of the final stages.


Natalia shifted slightly as three of the Five Horsemen found themselves laying cramped together under 3

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Natalia shifted slightly as three of the Five Horsemen found themselves laying cramped together under 3.2 million euro's.

They were now on the stage of stealing the real money to replace it with the old. Each of them had changed into dark coloured clothes as though to blend in.

"Why can't this truck hurry up. My legs gone dead." Natalia muttered as her eyes closed praying the truck would stop soon.

"You're getting cramped; try being stuck between you two" Danny argued causing Natalia to roll her eyes at him while Henley glared.

"Are you calling us fat?" Natalia teased with a faux look of seriousness as their eyes locked; Natalia's filled with mischief while Danny's were filled with annoyance. He was about to reply when Henley cut him off.

"Shh, you two, we don't want to be caught when we've got this far" Henley whispered causing the two to fall into silence just as the truck came to a halt. Natalia smiled as she watched the guard walk past Henley causing her to stab the sedative into his ankle. Natalia chuckled as she heard the guard fall against the money, allowing Danny and Natalia to open the compartment they were in; a few stacks of money falling onto the three as Jack and Merritt pull open the truck doors.

"Hey boys" Natalia and Henley smirk causing Jack and Merritt to smile back at the two. The quickly got out of the compartment; Danny and Henley passing Merritt the real money while Jack handed Natalia the flash paper euros which she started to stack onto the crate just as the real money once was.

They got the job done quickly; Danny just had to place the signed card and ticket stub into the middle of the money before he and Natalia jumped from the truck; shutting the doors behind them. They then jumped into the black SUV Jack had been trailing the truck in; which he quickly drove away from the scene. The Five Horsemen all smiled at one another as the truck grew further and further away. They had just successfully hijacked money from a truck; five seemly ordinary magicians had successfully done something that many more trained in the profession of crime had struggled to do. And now it was just time to set a few final things into motion before their big show. The show that would open their door way to fame and fortune.


Sorry for the short chapter. 

Thanks for reading. 

Also Comment if you love Shadowhunters... I just had to put that gif in there.

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