Chapter Six.

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The two identical cars soon pulled up by a private jet; the Horsemen making their way from the cars they were in before shuffling onto the jet where Arthur Tessler was ready and waiting to give the five an earful on them being a few minutes late; causing a slight delay. Though once everyone was aboard, the plane soon set off to its destination; New Orleans.

Jack sat down near the front of the plane with Arthurs assistant, Jasmin in front of him. At this placement, Natalia felt a bubble of jealously raise from her chest which she quickly pushed down when Merritt and Henley lead the girl to the back of the jet; Danny choosing to sit in a seat diagonal to where Arthur was sitting. Danny was rolling pennies across his knuckles as the five listened into Arthur's Skype call with the late-night entertainment host; Conan O'Brien.

"Two days ago, no one heard of these guys, but tonight's show sold out in 35 seconds. I think these guys have cracked the secret to show business. Give your audience $3 million. Puts 'em in a good mood, doesn't it" Conan explained causing Arthur and the Horsemen to chuckle slightly.

"Best finale ever" Arthur replied a smirk on his face.

"They're gonna be the first magicians in history to get laid" Conan joked causing Danny to smirk as Conan continued "Remember, if the oxygen mask comes down, put in on the lawyer first, Remember" Conan continued to joke.

"Oh, yes." Arthur replied with a smile "I always do. Its lawyer first, then myself and then the children"

"Then yourself. Yes. Then the children" Conan chuckled while Natalia shook her head with a smirk before focusing her attention back to Henley and Merritt; Merritt being sprawled out on one of the couches while Henley and Natalia sat opposite him.

"Allow me to make plain what we've both been thinking" Merritt said breaking the silence between the three, directing his attention towards Henley causing Natalia to smirk as she crossed her legs and looked towards the redhead.

"And what's that?" Henley asked causing Merritt and Natalia to send each other a look before they focused their attention back onto Henley.

"Well, obviously you have feelings of affection for Danny" Natalia answered in a teasing voice her mouth forming a humoured smile.

"Unrequited and misguided, owing to his lack of emotional availability. Consequently, you're very tightly, how should I put It.... uhhh" Merritt added causing Natalia to chuckle as Henley just sighed a small smile on her face as she directed her attention out of the window.

That was until Natalia smirked and finished Merritts' sentence with the word "Corked" causing Merritt to burst out laughing while Henley looked at the two with a look of surprise. She gently whacked Natalia on the arm with a chuckle, the girl in question laughing at the attack before Henley looks between the two.

"Oh I am." She says in a sarcastic tone causing Merritt to nod with a smile on his face.

"Now, recognizing that you have physical needs not being met, and strictly in vein of helping a sister out," Merritt started to reply causing Henley and Natalia to smile at the man knowing what he was about to propose though both finding the humour in it "I invite you to think of me as your own personal cork-screw" Merritt finished with a raise of the eye brows and a smile on his face. Natalia chuckled at the man shaking her head as she crinkled her nose in disgust.

"Wow, thanks. Let me mull over that offer of cheap and meaningless sex" Henley replied sarcasm flowing through her words causing Natalia to hold her ribs as she continued to laugh at the exchange between the two.

"Cheap and meaningless, maybe. But not time-consuming" Merritt specified causing Henley to burst out into laughter while Natalia started to develop a stitch as her laughter continued to grow louder, causing a few of the others to look at the three with a strange look. Merritt just smiled kindly at the two before joining in on their laughter. The three joking around for a while the back of the jet flowing with laughter.

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