Chapter Seven.

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Natalia had a large smile on her face as the Horsemen landed in New Orleans. The city bustling with people all celebrating Marti Gras.

"Come on Talia; we can look around once we've gotten a room" Henley told the young, excited magician, placing a hand of the girls back leading her towards a SUV that was awaiting them. On their journey to their hotel, Natalia had her face practically pressed against the window; her eyes wide with glee as she studied the different buildings, people and costumes that they passed.

The five Horsemen soon settled into their accommodations; Natalia almost bouncing around with excitement as she was finally able to explore New Orleans, a city she had always wanted to visits as a child; the City filled with magic, wisdom and legends.

"You ready, Natalia?" Henley asked causing the girl to run from the window she was staring out of and quickly grab hold of her bag as well as Henley's hand. The redhead just chuckled at the girl who was practically dragging her from the hotel room, and out of the hotel its self.

As the two walked through the streets of New Orleans, Natalia's eyes lit up with joy; a large smile plastered on her face.

"So, you ready for tonight's show?" Henley asked causing Natalia to look up at her.

"You mean the fact I have to put trust in Danny. Sure" Natalia chuckled shaking her head.

"Hey, I know Danny can be a royal asshole but I was his assistant for years and he'd never let anyone come to any harm. I promise you that" Henley reassured the girl causing her to nod while two continued to walk down the busy streets.


Laughter followed after the two girls as they continued to tour the lively city; the two of them gossiping and joking around, taking pictures with one another and creating memories.

Natalia shook her head, chuckling until something caught the corner of her eye. She slowly walked over to a shop window and admired the necklace on display. It was a large heart shaped locket with the front designed like an ancient map. Natalia smiled sadly at it as she placed her hand gently on the glass. She scanned over the price before shaking her head with a sigh.

"That's a pretty necklace

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"That's a pretty necklace." Henley said pulling the girl away from her thoughts.

"It looks exactly like the one my grandma used to wear." Natalia smiled sadly as memories of her childhood flooded her mind.

"Why don't you get it then?" The redhead questioned causing the girl to sigh once again.

"Its way out of my price range." The young magician replied with a sad look on her face. Henley just smiled sadly at the girl the placing a hand on her back guiding her away.

"Come on, I'll buy you some ice cream then we'll get ready for the show, yeah?" Henley offered. Trying to cheer the girl up, causing her to smile and nod before walking towards the nearest ice cream parlour. Henley following after her, though not before she took a picture of the necklace and sent a text to someone who would be more than willing to get it for the girl.


The female Horsemen chuckled as they walked through the entrance to the hotel; pots of ice cream in their hands.

"He didn't" Natalia exclaimed a giggle falling from her mouth while Henley nearly wet herself laughing so hard; recalling the memory that she had told Natalia.

"Oh yeah he did" Henley replied, gasping for breath.

"Uhh, hey sorry to disturb you two but could I talk to Natalia for a second" Jack requested as he jogged over to the two female magicians.

"Oh yeah off course. Natalia I'll meet you in our room when you're done" Henley told the black and white-haired girl before starting to walk away, sending a sly wink towards the male as she walked from their sights.

"What's up Jack?" Natalia asked causing the male to smile up at her as he led the girl from the hotel and towards a fairy light lit park opposite the hotel.


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"Uhh. Well. Umm" Jack started to stuttered causing Natalia to chuckle as she threw her empty pot into the bin and stood in front of the boy.

"You can tell me anything" She smiled kindly at him causing his nerves to rush away and instantly be replaced by love and affection.

"Natalia. I've known you for over a year now and... I feel like its time I tell you. Natalia, I've had this huge crush on you ever since I first saw you in that dingy hall way where we first met and over the year those feelings have done nothing but grow." Jack started to explain causing Natalia's eye to widen; her heart rushing with joy.

"What are you trying to say" The nervous girl whispered, causing the boy the smile down at her, hold her face in his hands.

"Natalia Romav, I am completely and utterly in love with you. Will you do me the honours of becoming my girlfriend?" The boy asked the girl; pulling a box from his pocket and holding it out towards her. She looked at it confused for a moment before taking hold of it and pulling off the lid. A gasp escaped her lips and tears filled her eyes as she stared down at the necklace that she had seen in the shop window.

"Jack, I... Yes... Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" Natalia exclaimed as she pulled the boy into a tight hug, causing him to chuckle with relief as he wrapping his arms around her waist. The two felt as though they could hold each other forever but they slowly parted; Natalia looking down at the necklace with a smile before looking up at the glowing brown eyes staring down at her. "Do you mind helping me with the-" Natalia asked gesturing the necklace towards the boy causing him to shake his head slightly as though pulling himself from his thoughts.

"Yeah of course" He smiled, taking hold of the box; pulling the necklace from it and unclasping it. Natalia smiled as she turned away from the boy, taking hold of her hair; allowing Jack to gently place the necklace around her neck and clasp it together at the back of her neck. Natalia let out a light chuckle as she let go of her hair and took hold of the locket in her hands, staring down at it for a few moments before turning to face the overjoyed boy behind her. She just stared at him for a few moments before placing her hands onto his cheeks and drawing their lips together in a passionate embrace. Jack widened his eyes in surprise before wrapping his arms around the girl's waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. The two showed no light of letting go of one another; they had finally done something they were so scared to do, they had finally expressed their love for one another in the city that Natalia had always wanted to visit; the City of Magic. 

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