Chapter Eight.

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Natalia took a deep breath as she looked into the large mirror in the female Horsemen's dressing room

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Natalia took a deep breath as she looked into the large mirror in the female Horsemen's dressing room.

"You look beautiful Natalia. Now come on, Danny wants us all in the backroom to go over the final details." Henley told the younger magician causing her to nod her head before slipping on her heels that added some height to her small figure and followed the redhead from the room.

At the sound of heels clicking on the floor the three men looked up at the two walking towards them; each of them shocked and amazed at the girls' appearances. Jack shook his head lightly before a large smile made its way onto his face.

"Nat, you look..." Jack started to say, the words leaving his mouth.

"Beautiful" Danny finished causing Natalia to look up at him surprised, a small blush covering her cheeks. Jack stared up at him with jealousy flooding his eyes and the other two had to force themselves not to laugh "As do you Henley" Danny tried to save himself.

"Thank you Danny" Henley chuckled as she walked over to an empty chair and sat in it. Natalia smiled at Jack before sitting in his lap and once again stealing the cards that were in his hand.

"Okay, one final run through of the show; Henley and I will perform first, followed by Merritt, then Natalia, then Jack and finally Natalia and I before the intermission. During the intermission Henley and Natalia will hack into Arthurs account and distribute the money out to everyone in the audience; then we'll make our escape. Is everyone clear on the rendezvous point?" Danny asks causing the other four to nod.

Natalia smiled as she felt Jack's hand caress her thigh lovingly. She smirked as she shuffled the cards in her hands before handing Jack a card and pulling a card out herself.

"First one to hit that can wins." Natalia stated, pointing at the cola can placed on the table across the room to the two.

"You're on" Jack smirks causing Natalia to chuckle.

"One, two, three" Natalia counts down before the two flicked their cards towards the can; an audible 'ting' sounded as the two cards hit the can at the same time. The two magicians chuckled though they quickly stopped when a voice interrupted the two.

"Pardon the intrusion" The voice said causing the five to look up at the doorway; only to see Thaddeus Bradley standing there in his typical black suit with a fedora black on the top of his head. The Horsemen just glared at the man, wondering why he'd come to their dressing room; knowing he was only there to expose their tricks to the world. "I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight"

"What; so that once it's over you can expose all of our tricks on your website" Jack scoffed as Natalia got up from his lap; allowing his to slowly walk over to the man in question.

"Don't forget about it being on demand" Thaddeus smirked causing Natalia to roll her eyes as she placed the deck onto the table next to her.

"That's not gonna happen this time Thaddeus" Henley glared as she went to stand next to Natalia both their arms crossed over their chests.

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