Chapter Five.

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The next morning after the show, the Five Horsemen were lounging around their hotel room; Merritt laid on the sofa reading

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The next morning after the show, the Five Horsemen were lounging around their hotel room; Merritt laid on the sofa reading. Jack was sitting on a chair with his feet on a table as he played around with cards in his hands. Danny was just looking out the window; also shuffling around cards in his hands. Henley and Natalia were upstairs packing up their bags as they all waited for the FBI to arrest them.

"I'll meet you down stairs." Natalia smiled at the redhead who nodded at the young girl with a smile as she made her way from the room. As she walked down the stairs she pulled her hair into a messy bun, momentarily showing her stomach which both Jack and Danny smirked at before she made her way to the bottom.

Natalia smiled at the three as she walked over to Jack placing herself into his lap and taking hold of his cards. He just smiled at the girl as he stared up at her with a loving smile, placing his hand of her tights covered thigh; his eyes studying the face of concentration she held as she started to do tricks with the cards in her hand.

"You're beautiful you know that" Jack muttered as he stared up at the girl causing her to chuckle a light blush covering her pale cheeks.

"Yeah, you said that last night and yet you do nothing about it." She smirked as she placed a kiss on his cheek before looking back at the cards. The boy just smirked at the girl his eyes filled with love as his thoughts became messy.

"Maybe I just haven't found the right moment" Jack replied causing Natalia to look down at him a smile talking over her lips as she looked down at her lap and the cards in her hand.

"Pick a card" Natalia asked Jack fanning out the cards, causing him to chuckle as he took told of a card. "Keep holding that for a bit." She added as she pulled herself up from Jacks lap and walked over to Merritt. "Pick a card." She held the cards towards Merritt who smirked up at the girl before pulling a card from the deck and looked at it. She then walked over to Danny and asked the same thing causing him to study her face for a few moments before pulling a card from the deck and looked at it. "Okay put it back" She told the three as she walked over to them, allowing them to slide their cards back into the deck which she quickly shuffled. She then fanned out the cards once again and showed the three boys. "Do you see your cards?" She asked causing the three to look for their cards in the deck.

"Nope" Jack smirked at the girl.

"Not there, Pumpkin" Merritt told the girl.

"No... It's not" Danny replied to the girl, now curious as to what she was about to do.

Natalia just smirked at the three as she put the cards back to form a deck. "That's because yours Danny is on the window, You're Merritt is on page 122 and you're Jack is on the bottom of your right shoe" Natalia told the three causing them to look at her confused before Danny turned to see his card pressed around the outside of the window to the right of him; Merritt turned to 122 in his book to see his card wedged between pages 122 and 123 and Jack lifted up his shoe to see his card stuck on the bottom. All three magicians looked at the girl with surprise before chuckling and giving her a small applause.

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