Part 30

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Mia's POV

Shit. What the hell was I going to do? How am I supposed to tell Dan? What will he even say? I'm so screwed.

I sat on the bathroom floor for a while longer before deciding I needed to go back out before Dan got even more suspicious than I felt that he was. I looked into his room first but he wasn't there so I ventured on down the hall only to find him not in the living room either. Maybe he's in the kitchen. When I got there Dan was still no where to seen but a note was on the fridge, held up with a colourful magnet.

'Gone out for food, be back soon, get some rest. Love Dan x'

I let out a breath and placed the note on the counter before walking over to the window wrapping my arms around myself as chills wracked my body. The apartment felt cold and empty whenever Dan wasn't here, but maybe right now that was for the best, I needed time to think. My hot breath glided along the glass as I stared at the world outside, the rush of seemingly care free people further blurring from the condensation formed by my breath. What am I supposed to do now?

After about twenty minutes I heard the door open and I span round waiting for Dan to come through the kitchen door. He walked in carrying four plastic bags and heaved them onto the counter.

"I thought the note said rest" he joked as he began to unload the bags.

"Well I can't sleep" I shrugged walking over to the bags to see what he bought.

"I got fish and chips, how does that sound?" He asked getting plates from the cupboard.

"Great I love them" I replied smiling at the scent of them although the queasy feeling in my stomach returned but I didn't want to tell Dan.

He handed me a plate and we went into the living room to eat our food.

"You've barely touched your food Mia" Dan said noticing that I was just pushing the food around my plate.

"I'm just not feeling too good" I replied as the feeling in my stomach got worse with each bite.

"Go to bed" Dan instructed taking my plate off me.

"Fine" I sighed walking into his room and throwing on one of his shirt trying to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach as I fell asleep.

Dan's POV

Mia's starting to worry me even more than before, she's barely looked me in the eye since she came out of the doctors and something just feels off about the whole situation. I stood up and carried our plates into the kitchen, clearing up all the leftovers before deciding to call it a night.

I slowly opened the door hoping not to wake her if she was asleep but when I looked over to our bed she wasn't there.

"Mia?" I asked worriedly but there was no reply.

"Mia?!" I said louder, worry lacing my voice as I frantically searched the room only to find it completely and utterly empty. I sped to the bathroom wondering if she was there but the whole flat was void of her presence.

Mia was gone.


I'm back, sorry for not updating but sixth form has been busy recently.

Also thanks for 600 reads!!

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Byeee Fellow Trash

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