Chapter 9: More leaving

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When I look up to see who it is all I see is Zach. 

“Hey Skylar what are you doing here?”he asks

“Erm, just came to get some water.”I reply

“Oh ok..uhhh well good night I’m going upstairs.”

“K bye.”

Then I head for the cabinet and quickly get a glass of water. I gulp it down and quietly go upstairs. In the hallway I hear some laughing from Zach’s room. I am just so curious so I go and see what he is doing. When I open the door I see Zach watching a movie and I quietly check which one without him noticing. I see that he is watching Grown Ups 2. I start laughing and then he notices me.

“Uh…hey Skylar, I see that your watching me.”he says with a smirk on his face

“Watching the movie, not you.”

“Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night, well do you want to join me?”

“Sure, can’t sleep anyways.”

I quietly go and sit on the floor. Which is extremely cold. I take a pillow from Zach’s bed and sit on it so I don’t freeze. 

“Skylar, you can come sit on the bed if you want”he pats a spot beside him.

“Sure, but stay on your own side of the bed.”

“Whatever you say princess.”

I get up on the bed and cuddle in the covers. Without even knowing I fall asleep.


When I wake up the walls are blue and the room smells like men perfume. Then I remember that I fell asleep in Zach’s room. Then I remember what happened last night. I get up and go to brush my teeth. Extremely tired I take a shower. Luckily there is no school today. Yahoo! 

I wear my white tank with a pink heart on it. Then pair it with a pair of light coloured jeans. I wear my snapback with a weird music listening alien on it. I put on my black and pink high tops on. I go to my jewelry box and get my moustache ring, bracelet and heart angel earrings.

I keep my hair wavy, like it is naturally. I decide to get my zebra stripe case too, since my other one is getting old. In the end I look at myself in the mirror. I look actually really pretty. I have to go for my tutoring so I get my backpack, I put all my textbooks in it. I have my math tutoring. Then I remember that I don’t have to go anywhere since Zach is my tutor. Laughing I put my bag back. 

I know that Zach will probably tutor me int the afternoon since there is no school today. When I go downstairs I smell..BACON! 

“Good morning honey, sleep well?” Zach’s mom asks.

“Ya, really well”I reply

“Well, honey here’s your breakfast, I made bacon for you..I didn’t know what you would eat, but everybody likes bacon!” 

“I love bacon, thank you.”

I eat my breakfast slowly. Usually I would eat quickly but it was so good and I felt really relaxed. While I’m in my process of eating Zach comes downstairs. He sits down beside me and stars eating. He’s quiet today. Then Zach’s mom started to talk.

“Uh kids, well me and Zach’s father are going on a business trip for 3 weeks, we will come back with Skyalr’s parents.”she says

Oh no, that means I have to stay alone with Zach! Noooooooooooooo.

“Ok, that’s fine.”I reply, I wanted to scream but I had no choice.

“Ya good with me”Zach also replies.

I know that from the inside, both of us did not want to do this. We probably coundn’t even last a whole week! Like I said I have no choice, so I have to go along with it. No matter what. I hope they don’t come back home and see our dead bodies, or find one of us missing. Well too bad I’ll have to live with it, sometimes just got to deal with it.

Once I’m done my breakfast I go walk upstairs to my room. Then suddenly someone grabs my wrist. When I turn around I see Zach.

“Mmm, Skylar you want to watch a movie, for fun…I’m just bored.”he says

“Ya, sure.”I reply






A/N: Yay! This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote. Don't worry there will be longer ones. If I get 15 comments on this chapter I will do a double update!

-THX  ΩΩΩΩ  øøøøø

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