Chapter 10- Distraught Routine (Sly Smile)

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Me (half of the time): "Next week I'll update"____->updates next month.

Me (the other half): "Next week I'll update"____->updates 3 days after.

I can't understand myself. -_-

P.S. I think this is the longest chapter I had ever made! :O Enjoy! :)


Ruby stared at Alex with a compassionate look. Then, as if trying to make him feel better after some terrible news, she spoke calmly at him, like a little bunny.

-You want to talk about it?


-I know you wan-...

-Can't believe he's coming! Tomorrow?! Without warning?!

-He actually said he was coming... -said Gene.

-But fifteen hours before? I need to prepare myself emotionally!

-You look like a drama queen. -said Ruby rolling her eyes.

-You meant drama"king", right? -asked Twinkle.

-No. He really is acting like a "queen". But what is exactly the problem? Is he a nightmare of a cousin?

-Not so much... -answered Alex.

-Then what does he have that bugs you?

-That's the problem! I don't know!...

-That's stupid! You don't even have a reason to hate him.

-I don't really hate him... -added Alex.

-Darling, I think you're confused... -Ruby said putting her hand on his shoulder.

-I'm not!! I guess? -he said not so sure of what he was saying.

-Relax, Alex. -said Twinkle. -Whatever you have with him, try to solve it with him now that he's coming, alright?

-I think I'll try... -he said resigned.

-Besides, he likes you and he must be a really great guy. -Ruby said.

-Ah? Puff... uh...he... whaaaaaa?

-English, Alexander. English.

The prince didn't say anymore. No use to. He didn't know what to say, his friend didn't know what he was trying to say (neither the author itself)... Didn't matter. He was coming. William was coming.

In the next morning, everybody was preparing for their arrival. Everyone was running due to their tasks, preparing the meals, the reception, cleaning the main entrance, getting two rooms ready for them, adding the daily routine that could not fail, paper work...

-Kill me now. –Kendrick said.



-What is it!?!? What's goin'on!?!? -said Alex, abruptly, entering the room with his sword in his hand and a "ready to kick someone" face.

-She!! She is "what is goin'on"! -said Ruby pointing to the fairy.

Said fairy carried an innocent face and in her hands laid a dress. Wait...what?!

-Come on, Ruby! You're making it sound more awful than it is! -Twinkle said with a bored face.

Then she started to approach the pirate slowly.

-Put this on!

-G-g-get away from me!! You witch!

-Witch?! Oh, no! I won't stay in here if you are going to give me despicable names! -she said crossing her arms. -Besides, Leonora was the one that said in, the first place, you had to dress formally. I only did what she told me to.

-Why? -asked Ruby.

-Because I'm not an egg head, Ruby!

-Did you just called me an egg head?!

-You said it yourself... -the fairy stated turning around with eyes closed while still with her arms crossed.

-Girls, girls!! Calm down!! –said Alex between the two girls.

-What's happening? –asked Gene that entered the room in that exact moment.

-Ruby won't dress properly! -accused Twinkle.

-I am dressed!

-Not like a lady...

-I don't need to put a dress to look like a "lady"!

Gene and Alex widened their eyes while making a face as if they saw someone fall right with the face.

-...not talking about the dress... -the fairy said with a cocky smile.

Ruby gasped. Gene approach Alex and whispered "I did not see that coming.".

-This is not a pretend game, Ruby.-said Alex serious. -Dress it.

-Why? Why I have to, Alex? -she asked in with a proud voice.

-Because I order you to. -Alex said in a demanding voice.

Ruby widened her eyes. She made a huffy face. Alex got a bit angry. He did not like when Ruby started to act like this. It made him irritated, and he didn't like to be mad at her. It made him feel sad. The room had so much tension that Twinkle stooped flying and landed in the floor next to Gene.

Ruby stared at Alex with a challenger look. Then she turned around with her eyes closed and an indifferent look and started to take off her coat. She looked behind and making an annoyed face.

-Are you going to leave or keep staring...?

Alex didn't know why, but he felt almost like the pirate was referring to him although he wasn't sure. Gene and Alex made their way out but Twinkle offered to help. Ruby said calmly she did not need help. Out of the room, Twinkle, upset, flew away from the room.

Between the four, existed this heavy atmosphere but, even though, all together, were lined up in the main space of the castle. Gene, as usual, had his serious face. Not because he didn't care but... nah! He really didn't care that much who was coming. With his hands behind his back he looked at Twinkle who was at his side. She wasn't flying. Gene thought perhaps was because she still was sad of Ruby's behavior. Her hands were in front of her dress which was one of Leanora's. The princess really wanted the fairy to put something different. Twinkle didn't argue. On the opposite Ruby who had argued before, now was like a gentle horse. Her stare was fixed in something in front of her, staring with a vague stare. She didn't dare look at Alex. But Alex was looking at her in hope she'd at least glance at him.

She didn't. So as the prince, he straightened himself.

Someone appeared at the gates of the castle.

-Your highness! They are almost here!

King Kendrick got up from his throne preparing for the guests.

-Ruby... -whispered Alex in that certain moment. -Are you still mad at me?

-What do you think... -she whispered back not looking at him.

-Can we talk after this? -he said waiting for her answer.

But she never answered because the gates opened.

What they saw made all the three look curious, except Alex.

They saw a figure.

Picture this: Tall, dark brown hair, green eyes, formaly dressed...the perfect image of a prince. Something that marked his face, and that made Ruby stares at him cautiously, was that remarkable sly smile...


Hiihihhihih!!! I was planing on making his appearence in this chapter but it wouldn't fit. Something had to happen first. I hope this was interesting for you and made you curious about the next chapters. Because... dears readers...There's a lot more where this came from... ;)

P.S. As soon as I can I'll post the next one so stay tuned! XD

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