Chapter 15- Even more Precious than Gems!

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Heya there!! XD

Minky here with another chapter!! Sorry for the long wait. Thank you so much for comenting and votind on the last chapter, my dear readers! It really makes me happy everytime I have at least 1 notification!

About this chapter, first, please, PLEASE!!! READ CHAPTER 2 of this fanfic to enjoy this chapter to the fullest!! :D (siriously, to remeber the 2nd ch because I bet no one remebers and I don't blame. It's just to understand this one).

Hope you like this one and enjoy it! ;) (I think it's my longest chapter).


Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing. The girl that he most cared about kissed his best friend. Alex felt this huge burning feeling inside of him... but it left as fast as it came. He gave up. He couldn't fight anymore. It was pointless. Trying to look fine, Alexander looked at Ruby and admitted.

-You were right, Ruby. I was just pretending to date Twinkle.

Ruby widened her eyes and lowered her head. After saying it, Alex left the room. Twinkle was going to start crying and, so no one could see her, she left too.

Gene looked at Ruby furious.

-Why did you do that?! -he said leaving the pirate sad and embarrassed.

William and Cristina were quiet during the whole scene. The brother looked at his sister.

-Is this my fault? -he asked.


-You know, it wasn't that bad...

-Say it to yourself.

-Really, Alex... it was fun while it lasted.

-Are you ok, Twinkle? Because I think I just heard you saying that this experience wasn't catastrophic. -he said ironically.

They were sitting together in a garden of the castle.

-You can be a really good boyfriend, you know? -she says smiling at the knight.

Alex smiled and hugged the fairy.

-But Ruby, perhaps, won't forgive me.

-It's Ruby. Of course she will. -Twinkle said while leaving him there.


Ruby searched for Alex everywhere, but she couldn't find him. After some minutes, she saw him sited on a bench looking peaceful. She approached slowly.

-Why did you do that? -Ruby asked affectionately.

-Jealousy, I guess... -he said head down.

-You didn't have to go insane like that.

-I was the only one insane? Tells the girl who just kissed my best friend. -he said back mad.

Ruby blushed to that and whispered "You're right...". She then sat next to him.

-Look, I'm sorry! -both say at the same time.

They stared at each other wide eyed and then started laughing.

-Why are you apologizing? I kissed Gene, and I don't know why! The only thing you did was...uh... I don't even know what you did! I'm horrible...

-You're right...

-What?! -Ruby said offended. -I know I am opening to you like this but you don't need to agree totally with me! You idiot!

-Ruby! -he yelled back. -Why am I the idiot here?

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