Chapter 17- Well, actually...

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I just have something to say: 100 votes and more than 1.4 k views?!? It's the paradise! I never would imagine I could get here but I did thanks to you!! XD And again: thank you!!! 

And I have a feeling it's obvious who is this 1st kiss... I wish it wasn't that easy... but no problem. Hope you are ready to read more than 1700 words... sorry...



The pirates were getting out of control. Kingsland was being often target by them. Not in a hastily manner... but it was getting out of control. The only solution was to go to Gunpowder Island and try to talk pacifically to them in order to not cause a war between the pirates and Kingsland. King Kendrick was in that ship. The ship that would take them there. With him, he brought some of his people and family. They should show respect and honor to them. The pirates...

-Why I have to go, father?

-I need you here with me. You are growing up. Now you have six years old but later you'll be king and, until that moment, I want you to understand what it is to be a king. Do you understand, Alex?

-Yes, father. -he answered obediently.

-But why I have to go, dad? -asked a ten years old girl. -That place is grows!

-We are a family. We have to stick together. And that talk is not worthy of a princess.

The girl crossed her arms going away.

When they arrived, Kendrick was looking for the head of the Island. The one that everyone had to obey. The leader. At that time, a man called Rubens was the one. As they both met, Rubens invited the king to a restaurant to talk and try to solve things up.

Alex saw his dad walk in the direction of the restaurant. But he decided to take the opposite direction. He started running. Running and giggling and enjoying the happiness of being a kid. No tasks. The hidden desire of adventure. Thirsty for what is beyond his eye! That passion involved his whole body in a way no one could explain. It would be a shame to lock that free spirit in a room surrounded by books. A wast of time.

As he run, he bumped into someone. Alex fell on the ground and groans in pain. He then looked up and see a girl. She was mad. But this girl, slightly taller than him, had something odd. A blue loose hair.

-Watch out where you walk, you jellyfish! -she said.

-S-sorry... -Alex answered with little tears in his eyes.

Then, in that exact moment, four boys appear in front of them. Seeing them, Alex was scared but the girl groaned from anger.

-Who is that with you, dumb head? -asked one. -Are you babysitting him?

Then they started to laugh and tease the two kids. Alex saw it, and suddenly an anger grow inside of him, and he got up and put himself in front of the girl.

-What are you doin'? -she asks.

-Don't worry, they won't hurt y-...

But he didn't finish because one of them punched him to the ground making the little prince cry. So, the girl, took Alex's hand and helped him.

-Ruuuuunnnn!!!!! -she yelled while taking him from behind.

When they were far away from them, and their breath started to slow down, the little girl hit Alex in anger.

-Why did you do that?! -she asks. -They hurt you! You idiot!

-But... -he said in tears. -My dad always told me to protect damsels in distress...

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