Chapter 13- Distraught Routine (The Plan)

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Alex approached the fairy, sited next to her, in Gene's bed. Then, he grabbed her hand and, looking at her slyly, he said something that made the fairy look at him shocked and wide eyed.

-Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

Twinkle was blushing really hard! From all people she knew, Alex was the last person she was expecting to ask her that question.

-I-I... uh... W-what again?

-I said if you wanna be my girlfriend? -he repeated smilling at her.

-What about Ruby?!

-I mean just to pretend...

-Pretend? Before I was just asking you but now I know I was absolutely correct: you are definitely insane!! -she shoutted making Alex roll eyes.

-Please, Twi. Just for a little amount of time.

-For what? Just so Ruby can be also jealous? This won't end good... It won't really...

-Please... -he begged.

He was making that cute and charming face that made Twinkle even consider that plan.

-Just give me until morning to think about it.

-Thanks, Twinkle. -Alex said hugging her fairy friend.


In the next morning, Gene woke up with the light of the sunrise hitting his face. He kept his eyes closed while he was appreciating the bliss that was having a room just for himself. However, something felt odd. He felt something next to him. With a confused expression, he turned around and screamed when he saw who was beside him.

-What's going on!? -yelled Alex after hearing the scream entering the room. -Oh my goodness!!

Behind Alex was Ruby, Twinkle and William. Everyone in the room gasped except Gene and...

-Cristina?!?! -shouted William angry approaching Gene's bed with exasperating gestures.

-I had nothing to do with this, William! I swear! -assured Gene staring nervous at the brother.

-Of course not! This is typical of my sister! What in the world do you think you're doing, Cris?! You big irresponsible!!

Gene was blushing and embarrassed. As fast as he could, he tried to dress his top pajamas. Meanwhile, William grabbed Cristina's arm and dragged her out of the bed.

-I want to stay with Gene... -she said lazily and sleepy.

-Right now, I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind!

As the two siblings left, the three approached Gene. At that moment, Twinkle felt this burning feeling inside of her that, without thinking, made her speak.

-Alex and I are a couple.

Ruby, Gene and even Alex stared at the fairy wide eyed and surprised. Then Twinkle intertwined her hands in Alex's.! Gene!-Ruby tried to speak hitting Gene's arm. -Say something!

The scientist coughed.

-That's...uh...surprising... Hum, when did you take this decision?

-Yesterday. -Alex answers proudly to see how the pirate girl was reacting to the news.

-It's kind of hurry, don't you think? -said Ruby angrily.

-Why if it's true love? -Twinkle stated.

-Then prove it. -Ruby dares.

Alex and Twinkle were surprised at that. They never thought that they might need to prove anything.

-W-why we have to? Can't you just believe our statement?

-Yes, but can't we just get a little inside of this relationship? -she said smiling devilish. -Like... I don't know, a kiss for example?

-What?! -said Gene getting up from his bed making Ruby put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

-We don't like to do it in front of people. -Alex said.

Ruby gave up. She didn't ask more questions because: first, it would look like she didn't approve or that she had something against their new relationship and second because she wasn't making none of them speak. She was mad. Really mad.


The plan was going well, they thought. King Kendrick and Leonora were surprised but decided to accept Alex's decision, even if it looked like the most unreasonable thing ever. Gene was acting normal... And because we know Gene, he didn't show what was really inside of him.

-So... you and Twinkle, hum? -he said indifferent.

-Yeah... -Alex barely could speak with him.

William, on the other hand, was actually surprised.

-I'm surprisedthat the person who you love is, in fact, Twinkle... -he stated once the two cousins were alone.

-Well, tastes change over the time, don't you think? -he said smiling with a "Do you have a problem?" face.

But William wasn't even slightly convinced.


The night of that same day, after all the events, everyone was tired.

-Good night, guys. -said Gene entering the room yawning.

But ten seconds later, he opened the door dragging a girl out of it.

-Nope. Not today. -he said angrily.

-Cristina! Where are you?! -yelled William across the hall.

When Alex passed near Twinkle, he whispered "I guess it's working." And then, when he was entering his room, a hand grabbed his arm.

-Hey, Alex.

-Ruby? What's wrong?

-I just wanted to apologize for early with this Alenkle thing. -she said with a little laugh.


-You know... you and Twinkle...

-Oh...It's ok...

Then Ruby waved and as she was going in the direction of her room, she found William that had putted her sister in bed. Then, William smiled at her and gave her a wink saying in a low tone "God night, Rubs.". Immediately, Alex called her.


-Yes? -she said turning her head.

-Uh... nothing. Good night.

-Night. -she said.

For a moment, Alex decided to tell everything, but he couldn't. He still felt that bad feeling. That feeling that felt wrong in so many ways but that couldn't let his heart alone. In his head this little voice advised him to give up of all that madness. Perhaps it was Twinkle's voice. He didn't know. But one thing was right: because his behavior, Ruby started to feel also jealous. And the consequences were coming right away.


What can it be? O_o

Anyway, thank's again for the votes and comments of the last chapter, it made me really happy!!! :D And keep an eye out for the next chapter of Distraught Routine (I hope everyone know now why this series has this title) because the next chapter has a bigger "What a what?!?" moment then the last chapter that will make you wide eyed!! XD I really, really can't wait to post it!!! *faint*

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