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"You'll be late for school!" My mum calls from down the hall waking me from a weird dream about a flying book and a Doctor! Ew. Just another thing I can't explain.

I pull myself out of bed and blow my hair out of my face, it's annoying.

I eat breakfast, do my teeth, brush and curl my hair, get dressed in to my boring school dress and pack my bag; basically everything you'd usually do.

"I guess I'll see you after school" I smile to mum kissing her on the cheek.

"Honey, Your mum and I are going to dinner tonight with the Parisians, so we won't be home till around eleven so do as you please" My dad says walking in the room and kissing me on the head.

I smile and swing the door open grabbing my keys. I walk up to my car (red mini cooper with an English flag on the roof) and see the TARDIS parked across the road, I guess he's here to fix mums garden bed.

As soon as I start to look away he steps out of the TARDIS with a pair of women's gardening gloves and a book on How To Garden for Dummies.

"Looking good" I laugh gathering his attention, I chuck my bag in the car and hop in, I put the key in ignition and start the car, I drive out the drive way and stop Parallel to the TARDIS.

"Where's the on button for this?" The Doctor asks me holding a screwdriver as I wind my window down, I'm in a cherry mood today.

"There is none... Anyway why do you need to use a screwdriver to fix a garden?" I ask confused again.

"This book tells me to build a garden bed" he says holding the book on different angles

"You'll get the idea eventually" I wink and drive off letting the breeze blow in through my open window.


Period six; finally it's the end of the day. In forty minuets school will be over and I can go home to my book and what ever else awaits, hopefully not the Doctor.

I walk into my favorite class: English. I glance over a see my best friend Sydney, I take a seat next to her basically throwing my books on top of hers, we're never really organized, what can I say we are in year twelve.

"Mr. Stewarts not here" she frowns, she seems to think he's quiet good looking.

"Hey to you too haven't seen you for three days, nice to see you" I say mocking her while rolling my eyes,

"Oh hey!" She laughs.

"Who have we got then?" I ask,

"I don't know, someone said he was English, that's all I've heard" Sydney says writing her name on the table in pencil.

"A guy hey!" I say winking to Sydney jokingly.

"Shut up" she hisses before continuing to write her name. "Oh and I saw you with some guy yesterday, who was he?"

"Who Gus?"

"No, the other one tall, brown hair, I drove past I only saw the back of him, was he hot?" Sydney asks words rushing from her mouth in her American accent. She moved to Scotland four years ago and she's still got an accent.

"Ew." I say "he is not hot and his name is the 'Doctor'" I say rolling my eyes

"He sounds like a drug dealer were you buying drugs?"

"no!" I say my eyes wide "your a weirdo! He was the T.V repairman" I say slouching down in my chair bored. I grab out my book and start to read, this is English and out teacher has not arrived so put two and two together you get a book.

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