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I read, for how long I don't know.

I read until I fall into a deep sleep.

I dream.

Of aliens.

Of the Doctor.

Of Gallifrey.

I dream of finding who I am.

Becoming who I was.

Finding the old me that is lost and forgotten.

But most of all I dream of home.


"Ow!" I cry out rubbing my head after falling off the side of the couch I was lying, I stand up but the TARDIS sends me falling to the ground once again.

"Doctor!" I yell annoyed standing up once again and brushing my self down. Before I started reading I actually managed to get changed so I didn't continue to feel dirty, the TARDIS wardrobe is just fantastic, so many clothes, but in the end I ended up choosing some black leggings, a black shirt with the words wild 1 written on it and a long sleeved red checked shit which I tied around my waist.

I run down the hallway holding onto the wall when I need to. I then run into the main control room and the Doctor is running around the controls again.

"Doctor, you could of at least woke me up before flying the TARDIS somewhere, I could have a concussion!" I laugh faking angriness.

"This is not me, I'm trying to stabilize her," the Doctor says flying over to more buttons and levers almost knocking me over, but luckily I jump out of the way.

"Well then who's flying?" I ask running up to him panicked.

"I don't know, we're being pulled in!" He states grabbing another lever leaning over me to get their. I swirl around to the other side out of the way when suddenly the TARDIS rocks sideways with a mighty bang that knocks me and the Doctor down.

Gracefully I land on top of him and then we stare at each other, I don't exactly know why, but then suddenly he opens his mouth to say something. I hold my breath.

"Your squashing me," he says as I realize that I am actually fully lying on him.

"Sorry," I say rolling over off the top of him and pulling myself up, the TARDIS stops rocking and the Doctor runs over to the monitor,

"We've landed," he smiles, "where, I'm not sure, it's non-tracable"

"At least were somewhere right?" I ask walking over, but suddenly the TARDIS decides to be funny again and rocks the TARDIS so I hit the wall... With my face.

"Ow!" I moan.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor asks me walking over,

"Yeah, just ask the TARDIS if she is," I say bluntly before walking over to the center console again.

The TARDIS hums angrily and I stick my tongue out at the wall, I don't really know where I'm meant to look, she's everywhere.

"Well, let's go," the Doctor says breaking the awkward moment.

"Good," I say leaving the TARDIS to be started by a room.

But not an ordinary room.

A mirror room.



Okay the is just a filler chapter about nothing really so sorry about that, but anyway.

I may updated on Sunday (Australia time) because i can't walk on my foot so I will have a lot of sitting and writing time :)

- Sarah Jane

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