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The TARDIS rocks back and fourth as we fly to three days in the future, I went back and left a note so my parents wouldn't worry, I told them I'd be back in three days and that I went to protect the earth from aliens, and that if they didn't believe me check if my book was still there -which it is, I never leave home without at least one- they'll believe me then, they'll still worry though.

I also grabbed my dads visitor pass he gave me when I went to work with him that day, maybe that will get me in easier.

We land and then we step out, it's nearly light out, but it's still dark, the sun is rising and the building we are about to enter is lit by the weird glow of street lights and reflected sunrise.

"So, plan again, because I think that is the worst plan in all of history," I say sternly turning to face him, it truly is a bad plan, I thought a man like him would have great plans, y'know like.... Fred from Scooby Doo.

"Okay, maybe I'm not fully honest, there is something in this building that is full alien, dangerous too, I don't know what, but it's dangerous and I thought the less you knew the less you would want to know," The Doctor says.

"You know how much knowledge gets on my nerves," I smirk, fatal flaw.

"Exactly why I didn't tell you," he smirks,

"So what is in there?"

"I don't know, but it seems dangerous and I think they are going to do more then just kidnap you" he says stuck up like, he knows he's a genius, and you know what... I don't care. Now that's a first.

"Ooh great plan, take me to the place where they are going to kidnap me and use me as bait," I laugh "sounds fun, it's like I'm actually in Divergent."

"No it's not like that I'm still working on it," he says as we walk towards the building,

The building looks the same as ever, boring and grey. A bit like Erudite. Stop it Winter, stop relating things to books.

"when you enter through the back, head to the women's bathroom, three days ago I opened a ventilation panel but jammed it closed so it didn't look open, you have to climb through that all the way to the main office, I'll meet you there" the Doctor says as we wait for a security guard to move to the other side of the door,

"Okay," I smile excited. "Wait, you went in the women's bathroom?"

He just smiles like a guilty school boy.


Okay, where's the back door? It has to be here somewhere.

Oh god, where is it? Doctor!

I walk around the other side of the back and finally see a door,

'employees only'

Employees daughters? It doesn't say they're not allowed.

I pull the door open and a security guard is standing on the opposite side of the door, he looks at me strangely and then speaks "who are you?"

I pull out the visitors pass from my pocket and he looks at it then at me.

"Why are you here so early?" He asks staring down at me, his muscles peek out of his shirt and his shaven head shows a tattoo of an arrow.

"Uh, I'm preparing for my dad, he wasn't feeling to good today, so I'm setting everything up for him" I smile politely, mean people hate cheery people.

"Okay, straight down there," the security guard says moving out the way, I sigh a sigh of relief and start to walk standing up straight.

I walk down the hallway and see a bathroom, I detour into it and scan the walls for a ventilation shaft,

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