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"Acid!" I say into his chest,

"Yes," he breathes out slightly intimidated.

"What about the TARDIS?" I ask,

"It will turn on the defense systems and take off and land somewhere nearby," the Doctor says like he's breaking bad news to me -which in a way he is, nearby could be anywhere.

"Well then, that was damn nice of her," I frown, "she could've landed over us to protect us, but why do that when you can save yourself,"

"Oi," the Doctor warns me,

"Okay, sorry, just worried and slightly scared of acid rain and big giant non-clouds that look like clouds," I state,

"Yeah, me too," he says through a laugh that I can feel on the top of my head,

"Is that the TARDIS," I ask peering over his shoulder to see a blue box in an undercover parking bay.

The Doctor tries his best to turn and around and eventually sees the TARDIS, "It most defiantly is," he smiles,

"Let me guess, we are going to run to it, through the rain, that is acid, that could burn us, and kill us?" I ask just clarifying everything, y'know, it's no big deal or anything. My sarcasm meter is shooting up right now.

"Yep," he says grabbing my hand tightly and then pushing the door open and leaping into the rain.

With every drop of rain on my arms and legs I feel the pain, like someone stabbing hot needles into every part of my body, every step is another mission but I don't let go of the Doctor's hand, I have to keep running. It's only ten meters more I keep saying in my head, repeating that over and over as the rain trickles down my face and shoulders burning my nice clothes and skin.

Finally we make it to the TARDIS and we dive inside, I jump in with a leap and just lie on the floor basking in the pain my body is feeling. "Ow," Is all I manage.

The Doctor comes over and smiles half heartedly, but I guess it's hard to smile when you're being burnt head to toe.

He wipes his hand over my forehead wiping the drops of rain off and then helps me up, I puff and pant rubbing my burning body down trying to get rid of every last drop of acid.

The Doctor chucks me a towel from a storage thing and I wipe myself down, the stinging had gone mostly but it still hurts. Most of my un-tanned skin has now turned a nice shade of red, great.

"I'm never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, doing that again," I state placing my hand on the Doctors shoulder and staring him in the eye emphasizing every ever even more than the last.

"Agreed," he smiles full heartedly now placing my hat back on my head he must have been holding it the whole time, I really could've used this.

"So, plan, you have got one right?" I ask suspiciously,

"Not exactly," he says smiling like that's a good thing, but I don't see how that's a good thing half the world is being melted with acid.

"Come on, you have to have a plan, people are getting really hurt, buildings and objects are getting destroyed," I say looking for the answer I so desperately need.

"Well actually, buildings aren't getting destroyed because the acid only effects humans because of it's density, it's not dense at all it's actually really light and evaporates quickly," he states before running around the console and then heading out the door,

"I thought you said not again," I state following him, "I'm not going back into the un-dense rain,"

He doesn't reply and just stares out into the rain under the cover, I think he's thinking, well it's obvious he's thinking, we have like a thousand thoughts in a minute, but that besides the point, I think he may have an idea, he better have an idea.

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