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I start trying to find my way back, I think I'm lost. Again.

I sigh sitting down on a park bench, why didn't I bring my mobile phone, and that would of helped how, I don't even think it would have reception in space.

"Lost, ey?," a male voice says from behind causing me to spin around,

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I reply, looking at the man, he's tall and has red curly hair, he looks human,

"As a matter a fact, yes," he smirks taking a seat next to me, he looks about my age, tall, slightly scrawny, freckles from ear to ear, friendly, but mysterious.

"Well, if you must know yes, I am lost," I reply,

"Want a map?" He asks handing me the map,

"Thanks," I smile and he smiles in return,

I glance through the map and find where I am, "tourist?" He asks raising an eyebrow,




Oops I keep forgetting I'm not human, is that a good thing?




"Aren't I always,"

"I don't know? I don't exactly know you," he replies as I smirk,

"I better be off, got people to see, worlds to save," I smirk standing up taking the map with me,

"See you around mystery girl," he says pretending to tip his hat,

"In your dreams mystery boy," I reply smiling.

"Oh and be careful, if they find out who they are they might lock YOU in a cage," the boy says as I stop walking and look at him, does he know who I am? How? Who is that man?

I forget about it and continue to follow the map watching the sun set in the distance, it's nice to know this place has a sun it reminds me of home. Eventually I find my way to Vastra's cage, I look over I see the Doctor waiting.

"What took you so long?" The Doctor asks,

"Hi, Winter, how are you had fun?" I mock with a laugh, "and I got lost, I lost my map," I continue,

"I found Strax and Jenny and a girl named Jules," I say,

"Good," Vastra says happily,

"Jules? Who is she?" The Doctor asks,

"Human, with Jenny wants us to save her," I smile, "how did you go?" I ask,

"Good, found it easily," the Doctor replies.

"So what's the plan now?" I ask,

"I'll go turn the power off when the sun goes down which is in about 5 minuets," the Doctor says looking at the sun which is nearly gone from sight,

"What part of the Zoo, will loose power?" I ask,

"Only the dark side," the Doctor replies,

"What if it doesn't work?" I ask doubting this plan, it's all been going too smoothly,

"When has any of my plans gone wrong?" The Doctor grins,


"Don't answer that," he interrupts with a guilty face which makes me giggle discreetly.

"Wasn't going to," I smile flirtasiously- wait what, did I just try and flirt with the Doctor? No! Ew.

The Doctor looks at me confused as I stare into the distance replying my thoughts of what I had just said, I don't think he picked up my flirtatiousness.

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