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I turn around peering though the darkness to try and find these figures, but I don't want to see them, but I have to for the Doctor, I have to get the mirror, where did I put it?

I look over to the blacked out window and see the mirror sitting on the windowsill, I walk over wearily and grab it, I start to shake again. 'Stay away from noises,' this isn't exactly staying away, maybe I should just leave, but to where?

I hold the mirror and look around nothing, good.

I quickly move to the hallway again feeling ready to explore, at least now I know what I'm up against. I open a door and it leads to a kitchen, a Victorian style kitchen, I pull open the draws to try and find something anything all I find is a sharp quiet dangerous knife which may come in handy so I keep that and close the draw.


It's louder again, I'm really scared.

"You're a Timelord Winter, you shouldn't be scared, what are they going to do, kill me.....? Probably, oh crap," I say to myself rubbing my shoulder where I can still feel the grip,

I hold up the knife and say "if you come near me I will stab the Mcshit out of you" (stolen from @iznek123 more about it in the A.N)

There's nothing just endless silence, is that good, who knows, they always say it's always quiet before the storm.

Usually when things go quiet and the protagonist start talking to themselves in my books they either get killed or something reeaaally bad happens.

I can hear my heart beat raising with every step.

I walk back into the hall and then into another room, it looks like the front entrance, it's rather grand and fancy with a decorated door.

'Knock, knock, knock,'

Oh crap.

I am defiantly dead.

Shall I answer the door?



What would the Doctor do?

Answer the door.

Damn you Doctor.

I open the door slowly and it creaks like in classic horror films.

I open it to see blackness, nothing I even hold the mirror up to it to see if there's anything there but there's nothing.

I then look at the knife, I don't really know what I'm stabbing so I don't really need it so I throw it into the darkness it instantly falls.

Nothing again.

I close the door and walk back to the giant mirror room where I can see the Doctor. There's another message on the glass so I read it.

'Head to the front door, that's where you have to jump, I'm sorry, you may fall for a while but you will land safely back with me, oh and P.S bring the sonic screwdriver,'


In darkness?


He must be completely out of him mind.

But I have to.

I head back to the front door and open it taking a deep breath, I take my feet to the edge and then-


I remember the 'bang makers' -that's quiet a good name for them- I must go now.

I look back into the darkness body uncontrollably shaking and then I go to push my self forward but something stops me.

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