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"So, how would one go around learning Gallifreyan, I seem to have forgotten somehow?" I ask the Doctor as he walks behinds me into the library area of the TARDIS,

"How did you know I was in here?" The Doctor asks confused,

"Doctor, you may be a Timelord but well... You walk like a elephant with led feet," I admit with a omnipotent smile on my face,

"Says you," he says jumping over the back of the couch I have rested on and then gracefully -sorry I mean- ungracefully falling off onto the floor,

I let out a sigh to hide my laughter and he gets up on the couch next to me like nothing happened, "so..." I say wanting an answer to my question,

"What?" He asks blindly,


"Oh yes, um well I could teach you, cause well as far as I'm aware there is no manual," the Doctor says with a slight stutter,

"Cool," I smile returning to my book,

"So um, are you okay?" The Doctor asks me,

"Yeah, I'm always okay," I say raising an eyebrow confused,

The Doctor chuckles to himself then turns to me like nothing happened,

"Why did you just laugh?" I ask,

"No, no reason," the Doctor stutters,

"Swear on Gallifrey," I smirk,

"Uh, I- well..."

"Ha, I knew it, what were you laughing at," I ask with a smile,

"You didn't look to fine in the mirror," he says quietly and quickly not looking at me,

"Oi, you didn't see that," I say

"See what?" He smirks,

"Me do- oh I get it, good job," I smile flipping the page of my book,

The Doctor smiles warmly and then watches me read the book before his smile disappears and he asks me a question, "have you read page 1145?"

"No, why?" I ask as the Doctor relaxes a bit,

"Don't read it, it's boring, skip the boring pages," he tells me confidently,

I look at him suspiciously and then slowly turn the pages of the book to page 1145, as I get to it I read a paragraph before the Doctor realizes and dives forward snatching the book up,

"Oi," I cry, "what the Skaro are you doing?"

"Don't read that page," he demands,

"Why?" I ask pleadingly, "If I can't read it why give me the book, it's like ripping a page out of The Fault In Our Stars, it ruins it,"

"You don't understand," he says,

"You're right, I don't understand why your so upset that a man had to do something to save everybody," I state not looking at him, I read the paragraph I needed to read,

"Winter, no, it wasn't like that, it was horrible," the Doctor says as I raise an eyebrow wanting more,

"What did you do?" I ask, "how did the time war end?"

"I- I destroyed them, I killed them all," the Doctor says his eyes becoming watery and distant,

"Yeah, but they were killing themselves anyway," I argue, "you just stopped the pain,"

"I shouldn't have done it, it wasn't up to me," he says, his glaze out into the unknown distance deepening,

"You did better that I did," I says and he snaps back to me,

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