Walking In The Wind

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Amelia's P.O.V-

After what felt like hours of stupid chat and laughter, our detention finally got over. My conscience kept yelling in the back of my brain "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! HE GOT YOU IN TROUBLE! YOU SHOULD HATE HIM!" but my heart was in some other world, far enough to ignore everything else but this person sitting in front of me and laughing at one of his knock knock jokes. I swear I've never felt this way before.

As we finally walked out of the school gates after having spoken to the teacher Harry said, "It was a long day, yeah?"

"Mhhm definitely, the longest day in the history of long days." I said, stretching out my arms.

The soft cool wind blow through my hair and my face and it felt heavenly, like someone just blew away all the stress that was piled up inside of me. I tilted my head to the side to see Harry looking straight at me. But I was too lost to look away. Instead I studied him. His green eyes were calm and bright as always, those soft brown curls all over his forehead. The wind swept his hair all on one side, making him look.....I don't know how to describe. He looked just like a work of art. Standing there in his black skinny jeans and white tee, he looked incredible without even trying. And I can't believe myself. I am thinking about him this way, the guy who got me the first detention of my life, who has been trying to make my life miserable since my maiden day here. What is happening to me? And I suddenly became self-conscious. He was checking me out. Probably thinking about what a mess I was, probably taking in all my flaws and maybe even getting himself ready to throw some insult on my face just like my old bullies did, back in Bradford. But I am still so attached to that place. Would he insult me too? Huh, why do I care even? I've stopped caring about my shitty looks and all since ages. This is nothing new to me. What else did I expect? A guy like him would obviously throw some comments on my face or my body. He probably has got girls dying for him. God what am I thinking?!

Harry's P.O.V-

As I watched her stretch her arms out and feel the air on her face I thought that this was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The way her dark hair swept over her face, the way she looked, so calm and peaceful, this was definitely a treat for my eyes. She looked wonderful. And I really want to punch myself hard for wanting to see this girl in pain. She is not like the other girls who would probably just do anything to be with me, she was different. Her personality had a mystic aura around it. I could tell that she had some walls built around her soul that were hard to break through.

As she tilted her head and opened her eyes, she looked straight at me and was a little surprised to see me staring. But she didn't look away. Instead she stared at me. As if studying every single detail of my face, my body, my everything but it was not in a bad way like all the other girls at school. It was different. Please don't ask me to explain. Then I saw something flashing in her eyes. And suddenly her gaze fell at the ground. Sorrow was the only emotion on her face. What was she disappointed in? Me?

"Uh...I'm gonna head home Harry" She said quietly.

"Yeah, me too" I said.

She nodded and we started walking towards home. She didn't speak a single word to me. She seemed lost, somewhere in the world of her imaginations. I wish I could see through her soul or read her mind because I desperately wanted to know what was worrying her so much? What happened all of a sudden? Was it something from her past she suddenly remembered? I just need to know. And then again as I replay this day in my head I can actually feel the change. And it scares me to think, just how much can change in a day and we don't even get to know how. I know I had this feeling inside of me since the moment I first saw her, getting out of the car and walking towards her door. I knew, right from that instant that there was gonna be a lot more between us than I can ever imagine.

I wanted to ask her what was wrong but everytime I tried, I ended up backing away because I was afraid that I might just help in making it worse for her and that's the last thing I want to do. So I decided to keep quiet. As we reached a crossing, and I stopped to look for cars, she kept walking, as if in a trance and my blood froze in my veins as I saw an SUV racing right towards her. She didn't even seem to notice it,. And without a single thought I jumped, grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her, using my body to shield her and I rolled to the side with her in my arms as the car roared by. It all happened in just a matter of seconds and I was overwhelmed.

I looked down at her, safe in my arms. Her eyes were screwed shut and she was burying her face into my shirt. I didn't wanna let go. But then she opened her eyes. Fear and panic clearly written in them and I hugged her tighter and whispered, "Hey, its okay. You're okay."

But that didn't seem to lessen her fear, not even a little bit, and she finally managed to say,"And you? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?". Panic laced her voice.

"Yes I'm okay" I reassured her, Wait....she's worried about me and not about herself when we just barely escaped a fatal accident?

She slowly freed herself from my arms, as gently as possible and then stood up, she then helped me up as well. And then without wasting a moment she yelled on my face "ARE YOU STUPID? YOU COULD'VE DIED! IT WAS SO CLOSE YOU IDIOT!"

"So what could I do? Leave you alone to die while I stand watching?"

Her expression softened.

"But Harry_" and I cut her off by putting a finger on her lips and I said, "I would always protect you from everything. I promise."

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