Have to stay in the realtionship

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Been sent home from school today, was ill:( Feel so bad. Anyway a live coverage of x-men days of future past premiere in London on tonight with Yahoo! so that might cheer me up.

Jen's POV

After we told each other how we felt. That was like an hour ago. He had to go to go home and explain to Claudia. We don't know what we are to be honest. I asked Nick to come over and he would be here any second. I quickly cleaned up as he hates the mess of my house. Josh said he would explain as he said to her his heart belongs to someone else, I think meaning me. Anyway I know Josh he won't dump her. I will still be in a relationship with Nick as me and Josh haven't really talked about what we are. Trust me friend's don't share a kiss like we did. As I was lost in my thoughts, I was interrupted by loud knock on the door. I opened the door to see Nick standing with a big bunch of roses and that is why I love him.

"Hey Jen" He takes me into a hug.

"Hey, thanks for coming over"

"My pleasure" he hands me the massive bunch of flowers.

"Awh, thanks Nick. There lovely"

"Glad you like them"

"Don't just stand there, come in" He walks straight pass me into the house.

"It is very spotless in here, What have you done to the Jen I know?"

I just walked over to the kitchen to find a vase to put the flowers in. I filled the tall blue vase with water from the sink and put the roses in. Then I took them over to the corner of the fireplace I have in the dining area.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Jen just sit down we need to talk"

I make my way over to the couch, that Nick is sat on.

"What do you want to talk about?" I was a bit confused.

"Jen, last night. We had a bit of an argument"

"We will just forget about it" I don't what me and Josh are so.

"Ok, anyway what  you doing tonight?"

"Well I was probably going to read through the end scenes of X-men for Monday" That is another reason why I have to stay with him, we are half way through filming X-men: Days of future past.

"I have booked at table at Spargo" I love Spargo it is really expensive.

"I would love to come, thank you"

"I will pick you up at seven" He stand up and walks towards the door. I walk behind him.

"Nick, I will see you later" He cups my face and kisses me but there was no spark like there was when Josh kissed me.

"See you" He said in his British accent and he walked out the door. It was one, so I had plenty of time till seven.

Josh's POV

I'm so glad she feels the same. It was now one when I pulled up at Claudia's apartment. It was about an hour ago that I kissed Jen. It was difficult to get through the crowds of paparrazzi. I love my job but the downside is that paparrazzi follow you everywhere. came into the lobby and up to the desk, where a small lady was at there with her hair tide up into a tidy bun.

"How can I help you today, sir"

"I'm here to see Claudia Traisac, thanks"

"Ok, The elevator is just to the left" She points to the left.

"Thanks" I walk up to the elevator.

I pressed the button 4 to go up to level 4 to see Claudia.The button lights up when I press it. As the lift makes 2 stops before reaching level 4. I walk out the lift. I knock on Caludia's door three times so she can her me. She opens the door and her eyes are red raw from crying.

"What do you want?" She seems really angry at me.

"I want to explain to you" She allows me into here apartment, I see a box of tissues on the coffee table and tissues everywhere also a bottle of wine that is half empty.

"Explain then"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what was happening. I do love you honestly" I don't but when you look at her, you can't break her heart.

"Awh, Josh I didn't want to rush you but I really love you" She loves me.

"Anyway you up for a meal at Spargo tonight?"

"Spargo really?"

"Yeah anything for you"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, be ready by 7 please?"

"I will, see you then" I give her a kiss bye and walked out the door.

I loved Jen. I really do but I know her and if Nick comes back to her, she would take him back. I know she will. All I want is Jen to be happy even if it is not with me. Claudia is a good person. I'm glad I have her. I say goodbye to the nice lady behind the desk. I try to get back to my car but it was really hard.

"Josh are you with Jen?"

"What about Claudia?"

"Who do you love?"

"Why were you at Jen's this morning?"

I ignored there questions. I needed a friend, like Jen but for soem reason I don't want to see her. I decide to go and see Andre. He is my best friend. He has been there with me through thick and thin. I get in my car and travel to Andre's house.

Jen's POV

What to wear tonight. Spargo is so posh and expenisve. I don't know what to wear at all. I decide to phone up Laura. Laura has been there with me through thick and thin. She will know what I will wear. Also she can sort out my little problem so called feelings. I love Josh. I really do but I know him and if Claudia comes back to him, he would take her back. I know he will. All I want is Josh to be happy even if it is not with me. Nick is a good person. I'm glad I have him.

They don't realise there in love with each other. I have a feeling that I will be writing another chapter as it is 3 in afternoon as been off scholl this afternoon. So got the whole night expect when watching the live coverage of the premiere. So will write.


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