Chapter One

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"Great, I'm so proud of all of you!" Our dance teacher, Mrs Tye said to the whole class as we made our way into the changing rooms. I quickly made my way over to my bag which was placed next to Gretta's.

"So I'm thinking about dropping this class" she told me as she finally managed to pull her jumper over her head after struggling to for a good two minutes.

"How come?" I asked as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

"It's just not for me" she answered and shrugged. I sighed and began to walk out of the changing rooms and into the school hall, Gretta following close behind.

Our high school was like any other high school, you had the jocks, the geeks/nerds, the cheerleaders and every other different cliché cliques you could name. But there was that one group that stood out in our school, the group everyone feared.

The Bowers Gang. Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins and Patrick Hockstetter. They bullied everyone that crossed their path and I mean everyone, especially a group of kids they named 'The Losers Club'. Thankfully,I had managed to avoid all contact with the Bowers Gang, how I will never know, all I could do was thank God.

"So what class do you have now?" Gretta asked as I placed my dance kit into my locker. I grabbed my time table to check.

"Science, you?"

"Math" She relied. "What's the matter?"

"I just really hate science, I can't stand it, all we do is practicals and I hate it,wanna swap?" I asked with an innocent smile on my face. Gretta looked at me in confusion for a split second before bursting into laughter. I rolled my eyes at her and slammed my locker shut. I gave her a quick hug before walking in the opposite direction.

As always, I was the first person to arrive. I was a straight A student with 100% attendance, so there was no way I would show up late to any class. I walked straight over to the table I was normally sat on and sat down.

"Reina, I have arranged a seating plan for this class so you will no longer be sitting there" I waited for her to look at her plan to tell me where I would now be sitting. Miss Porter placed me right at the back of the class. I grabbed my things and moved to my new seat, waiting for the other students to come pouring in.

It was 20 minutes into the lesson, thankfully we didn't have to do a practical today. I was in the middle of answering questions out of one of the science books when the door to the classroom flew open, I didn't bother to look up as I was more focused on getting my work done, unlike the rest of my classmates.

"Patrick Hockstetter, how nice of you to join us!" Miss Porter said, clearly annoyed that Patrick had turned up late to the lesson once again.

"You're welcome!" I heard Patrick sarcastically say. I heard the sound of paper rustling from Miss Porter's desk.

"Your seat is over there!" She sighed and that's when I stopped writing and looked up. After quickly scanning the classroom I realised that the chair next to me was the only empty space left. I watched as a smirking Patrick Hockstetter slowly made his way to the back of the classroom. I swiftly made eye contact with Miss Porter, who in return gave me a sympathetic look.

I got back to doing my work, trying to make it seem like being sat next to Patrick didn't bother me. That was until I heard a table scrape across the floor and felt a presence next to me, causing me to tense up.

"Hey there new science buddy, may I borrow a pen?" Patrick whispered into my ear, before I got a chance to reply I felt his hand grip my thigh, causing me to let out a small gasp. I turned to look at him to find him staring directly at me with his famous smirk still plastered on his face.

This was going to be a long year.

Hey guys, this is my first ever story, so please go easy on me. I apologise for the chapter being short and boring but I promise it will get better as the story goes on xo

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