Chapter Twenty-Three

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I climbed out of the shower and began to dry my body, letting the water from my hair drip onto the floor. It was freezing so I quickly got dressed and made my way into my bedroom, using the towel to dry my hair as I did. I grabbed a hair band from my desk and tied my hair up before walking down stairs.

"Reina sweetie, can we talk?" My mum asked.

"Sure" I took a seat next to her. "What's up?"

"Well earlier when you came back from school I saw something"

"Oh right....that" I gave an awkward laugh.

"Why did you tell me you finally had a boyfriend?" She squealed giving my s tight hug.

" I didn't think it was a big deal" I admitted.

"Oh this is amazing, I want to meet him!" She told me, I rolled me eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

"No" I giggled.

"Please, I won't embarrass you" she pleaded and sighed and gave in.

I sighed and made my way over to the phone and dialled Patrick's number. Asking him now would be the best thing, mainly because my mum wouldn't believe me if I told her I had tod him at school. It rang four times before someone finally answered.

"Hello?" It was a female voice

"Oh umm may I speak to Patrick please?" I heard her yell Patrick's name followed by rustling on the other end of the phone

"Hello?" He sounded tired bless him

"Hey Patrick"

"Hey there Kitten!" He seemed to cheer up abit.

"So I need to ask you for a favour"

"What's that?"

"Well long story short my mum wants to meet you" I told him. He stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Umm sure?" He awkwardly replied. "I'll come after school tomorrow, I'm sure the boy will understand"

"Great thanks Patrick"

"You're welcome Kitten, now go and get sleep we have school tomorrow" He joked. I said goodbye and hung up the phone. Tomorrow should be interesting.


The sound of my alarm rang through my ears. I groaned and rolled over, switching off the alarm. I hated mornings, I hated getting out of bed but I had to do it. Throwing on my clothes, I picked a dress out of my wardrobe and placed it onto my bed for later. My mum always wanted me to look presentable when we had guests over. I brushed my teeth and did my hair before walking down the stairs to eat breakfast.

A horn sounded from outside which confused me. I finished my cereal, grabbed my bag and walked out of the front door to find Belch's car parked outside with the boys inside. 'I don't remember asking for a ride to school' I thought to myself.

"Get in" Henry yelled making me jump out of my skin. I walked over to the car and got in, taking my place next to Patrick who immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"Good morning Kitten" Patrick whispered into my ear before kissing the back of it. A shiver ran down my spine which Patrick had noticed. He snickered and placed his right hand on my thigh, rubbing it with his thumb.

"No sex in the car you two" Belch warned and glared at Patrick.

"She's mine and I'll have her whenever I want" I whipped my head round and he laughed before reassuring me he wasn't going to do anything. I relaxed and placed my head on his shoulder as Belch drove us to school.

As we all walked through the hallway, Patrick's arm still wrapped around my shoulder, people began whispering and staring in shock, mostly at me. The boy's didn't really pay any attention to it, probably because they were use to this. However, I was not. I did not like the attention at all. I put my head down when we walked past Bill and the others, their eyes burning into me, although I couldn't see the reaction they had on their faces.

"What?" Henry spat as he turned to them. The four of them then turned to their lockers. I let out a frustrating sigh.

"They hate me, they actually hate me" I muttered and frowned.

"Hey, listen to me. They're probably just jealous because you're with me and not them" Patrick said trying to cheer me up. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him and began to walk towards my first lesson. Patrick then took a hold of my wrist and pulled me back.

"Also, my mu questioned me last night after our phone call" he told me.


"And now she wants to meet you" We both laughed.


"I know so you're meeting my mum tomorrow, I'll see you late have a great dance class" And then he let me go. I walked towards the hall and the whispering from the other students grew, I tried my best to ignore it.

"Reina!" I heard a familiar voice call my name.  I turned and saw Stan jogging towards me.

"Oh, hey Stan"

"Look I'm going to try and get the others to accept this relationship and I don't care how long it takes. You're an awesome girl and I don't want to lose you as a friend" Stan told me. I gave him a wide smile.

"Thank's Stan, it means a lot"

"No problem, I gotta go to class" We both did the handshake we had made up a while ago and he left. Yes we had a handshake, we're not lame!


"Sweetie, go change into your dress and then help me set the table" My mum told me as she put her earing in.

I sighed and then ran up the stairs, stripping myself of the clothes I had worn to school and changing into me 'Best Dress'. I brushed my hair and made sure it looked decent before walking back down the stairs and helping my mum set the table. Whenever we had a guest coming over she would go all out. Whilst I was at school she had booked a day off of work, cleaned the sitting room and the bathroom just for Patrick. Sometimes I thought she went over board, but she wanted to make her house look extremely presentable. She had worked so hard to get this house so I didn't blame her.

I was nervous for them to meet, mainly because Patrick was pretty famous in this town and for all the wrong reasons. What would she think of him? Would she like him? What if she stopped me from seeing him. Those questions ran through my head, I was growing more nervous as the time went on.

"So what's his name?" She asked as we sat on the sofa, waiting for Patrick to turn up.

"Patrick" I proudly told her

"Oooo, Patrick who?" I bit my bottom lip and let out a small giggle.


"Patrick Hockstetter?!" She blurted out in shock, she had clearly heard the rumors.  She stood in shock as the doorbell rang.

"Be nice" I told her and walked over to answer the door. Here goes nothing.

Hey guys, three updates in one day!!!!the next update should be soon. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has commented on this story, it honestly means alot to me, so again thank you all. Stay blessed xo

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