Chapter Seven

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Me and Patrick ended up going back to my house considering that was what he wanted to do. I wasn't sure whether I actually wanted to spend a whole day with Patrick at first but considering he helped me and hasn't harmed me I didn't see a problem. Although, even if I tried to object I couldn't, seeing as Patrick had already made that decision for me. 

"So" I said breaking the silence.

"So" Patrick blankly said staring into space, he was clearly bored out of his mind.

"How come you aren't with Henry and-"

"Have you got any decent films we could watch?" Patrick asked interrupting my question and stood up, making his way over the stack of the videos we had.  I stood up and followed him, looking through the videos.

"The Breakfast Club?"



"No thank you"


"I don't think so"

"The Lost Boys?"



"You're joking right?" I carried on suggesting films that we could watch, Patrick rejected every single one of them, he was clearly getting annoyed with me. I heard him let out a frustrating sigh before lightly shoving me out of the way and looking through them himself.

" Aaa here we go" He smirked. Patrick ended up choosing 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' A film I couldn't stand, Action/Adventure films were not something I was interested in at all, but I wasn't going to complain. I took the video from him and put it in.

-Patrick's P.O.V-

The film was finally coming to an end after dragging on for a so long. I glanced at the clock that hung above her t.v, 6:30pm. I really should start heading home, my mum would freak if I got in after the curfew. I let out a loud yawn and stretched.

"Oi, I'm gonna go" I told her. No answer. "Reina?" I looked down to see that she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

'You have got to be kidding me' I said to myself out loud.

I slowly lifted her head off of me and placed it where I was once sat, trying not to wake her from her slumber. Looking down at the sleeping girl I couldn't help but smile. She was so innocent, pure, beautiful, an angel compared to me.  I made my way to the front door and grabbed the handle, looking back at her. I sighed before shaking my head and walking back over to her.

I gently picked her up and carried her up the stairs. I entered her room, trying my best not to hit her head off of her door frame. How did I know which one was hers? I explored after I had went for a toilet break during the film ;). I placed Reina on her bed and wrapped the covers over her so that she wouldn't be cold during the night. I placed my hand on the side of her face, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. I frowned once I noticed what I was doing, I quickly moved my hand away and headed out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the door faster than speedy gonzales.

~Reina's P.O.V~

"Any hope on finding your brother Bill?" I asked as we walked over to the other sat under the tree.

"N-n-not yet, b-b-but we will" He told me. I gave him a small smile before sitting down next to Eddie and Stan. Gretta hadn't come into school so the guys invited me to hang out with them during break and lunch.

"I give up I can't do it!" Richied cried out throwing his hands in the air.

"Can't do what?" Stan asked looking over at him.

"This fucking homework, it's shit" Richied replied in annoyance.

"You're language is terrible!" I giggled.

"They don't call me trashmouth for nothing sweetheart!" He was such a flirt. Richie scrunched up his face and turned to face Eddie, letting out a big sneeze.

"Oh my god that is so fucking gross, why would you do that?" Eddie screeched in disgust as he quickly fiddled through his bag before pulling out a packet of tissues. Richie couldn't even speak he was laughing that hard.

"Richie why did you do that you know what he's like" Stan groaned, helping Eddie clean his sleeve.

"I n-n-need new f-f-friends" Bill muttered and looked down to the floor.

We all sat and helped Richie complete his homework that was due in 15 minutes or so and by we I mean me and Eddie, Stan and Bill couldn't be bothered. We had one more question to do which was the hardest causing the three of us to bicker.

"That's wrong oh my" I yelled in frustration.

"No it's not trust me Richie" Eddie fired back

"Shut up!" Stan and Bill screamed in unison.

"Just tell me the right answer damn it!" Richie cried out. Just then the pen that was once in his hand had gone flying across the grass. We all turned our heads to see Henry, Vic, Patrick and Belch standing over us.

"You losers are making way too much noise!" Henry glared at each of us.

"It's a free country" Ritchie muttered but unfortunately Henry heard.

"What did you say Tozier?" Henry challenged stepping closer to Richie. I quickly stood up.

"Leave him alone Bowers!" I demanded

"Sit down slut before you get hurt!" I head from behind me, I turned to see the voice belonged to Patrick who was holding a zippo lighter in his hand.

I didn't know what to say, all I could do was stare at him in complete shock. Just the day before he had spent the entire day with me, he was so kind to me. Had I done something wrong?

"She looks like she's going to cry Patrick say sorry!" Vic joked causing the whole Bowers Gang to snicker.

"Just leave us alone" Stand pleaded making them turn their attention away from me and over to Stan.

"And why would we do that?" Henry asked with a smirk. Stan just looked down at his crossed legs, not daring to say anything else.

"B-B-Bowers just g-g-go" Bill stood up making eye contact with Henry. It was a tense moment before Henry finally spoke.

"I'll see you four some other time Henry threatened motioning to me, Eddie, Stan and Richie before walking off.

I was still speechless as to how Patrick had spoken to me. I didn't understand why he did, but then next class I had was science so maybe I'll get an explanation out of him then.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter xo

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