Chapter Twenty-One

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My naked form lay on Patrick's bare chest as he drew patterns on my back, both of us still tying to catch our breaths. There was nothing that could wipe the smile off of my face right now. Patrick was so gentle with me considering it was my first time, even stopping now and then to ask if he wanted me to continue.

"That was amazing" I blurted out.

"You could say that again" I could tell he was flashing his famous grin.

"I'm glad you was my first" I admitted

"And I'm going to be your last!" Patrick told me putting on a serious voice, but I couldn't help but giggle he was so cute.

We stayed in bed for a couple of more minutes before finally deciding to get dressed. As I was changing I could feel Patrick watching me. I turned my head to see him with his shirt in his hand and his jaw hanging low. I coughed twice and he blinked rapidly, smirking at me and finally put the rest of his clothes on.

"Did you mean that promise?" I asked turning to him.

"What promise?" He pulled me over to him and sat me down on his lap.

"The one about telling my friends and your friends about us?" I began to grow nervous, thinking he had said that just to get me to sleep with him.

"Of course I did kitten, we just need to figure out how to tell them" He sighed and kissed my cheek.

"There's another thing I want you to do for me" I mumbled not making eye contact.

"What's that?"

"Stop bullying my friends" I felt Patrick tense up, I shouldn't have said anything. He groaned and I looked at him with pleading eyes, the same ones he had given me a few hours ago.

"I'm not promising anything Reina, it's who I am" I went to speak but he put his hand up, signalling for me to let him finish. "But, I will try my best"

"That's all I ask" I leant down and gave him a quick kiss before walking out of my bedroom.

We had spent the next few hours trying to figure out how we were going to tell everyone about us without them getting as angry as we knew they would get. The suggestions we had come up with just didn't help, one was just walking to school hand in hand but that would be a bad idea. I knew the boys would be disappointed in me, so that made the situation 10x worse.

"Unless we tell them separately?" Patrick suggested.

"Do you think it would be easier?"

"It might be, but oh I don't know" Patrick forcefully hit his head against the table in annoyance, I watched in amusement.

"You alright there Patrick?" I laughed lightly and he lifted his head up.

"Fine" he flashed me a toothy grin before continuing what he was doing.


When I walked into school the next day, I was a walking bag of nerves. Today me and Patrick had agreed to tell them, and his friends. We had decided to go with Patrick's idea and tell them seperately. However, before I did I needed to tell Eddie how sorry I was for yelling at him the other day for no reason. I stopped Stan and ran over to him, pulling him away from people who could hear.

"We're telling them today" I straight up told him. He looked confused for a second and then clicked on.

"How, what are you going to say?" He asked.

"I honestly have no idea" I whimpered and he pulled me into a friendly hug.

"Don't worry, I'll be there to support you" He reassured me.

My Little Psycho (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now