Chapter Twelve

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I placed the plate of food in front of Patrick, he thanked me and began eating. Patrick promised he'd stay with me until my mum got home. I took a seat opposite him and smiled. I was thankful for what he had done, I don't think there was anyway I could repay him. But I was also confused as to why he had helped me, he had been so mean to me this past week.

"Patrick?" I finally said. Patrick put down the fork and looked up at me.

"what?" I hesitated for a split second but I found the courage.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" He shrugged taking another bite out of his food.

"Why have you.....why have you been acting so strange towards me. You know, one day you're all over me the next you're calling me a slut" I began to explain becoming very emotional. "You been avoiding me all week and the only time you spoke to me was when you were picking on me. Have I done something wrong?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He mumbled and stood up. "Thanks for the food, I'm gonna go"

"Patrick please!" I pleaded, he froze in place turning his head to look at me. Patrick sighed and rubbed his face with both of his hands before walking over to my sofa. He patted the seat beside him and I quickly rushed out of the kitchen to sit beside him.

"Look, I'm not known to express my feelings and shit but can we keep this between us?" He asked not making eye contact with me.

"I promise" I gave him a sweet smile even though he didn't see it.

"Right, I've never really had a proper girlfriend, sure I've fucked..." He looked at my expression and laughed. "Sorry, laid many of girls but that was it, they only lasted a couple of days. But I felt something different about you. I realised I like you a lot more than I've ever liked anyone and I guess I got a little scared. So I tried to avoid you but I couldn't stop thinking about you, I thought picking on you would make me see you as any other person at the school but I guess not"

I was speechless but extremely happy that I had finally gotten the truth, Patrick liked me. I felt a blush creep up on my face, I didn't even bother to try and hide it. I wanted to scream and tell the world that a boy actually liked me and it was just any boy. I guess having a crush on Patrick wasn't a waste of time after all.

"You like me?" I asked with a huge grin

"Yeah yeah okay don't remind me" He muttered. "Don't get me wrong I'd love to have you as a umm girlfriend, but considering you've never had a relationship and due to my reputation I don't think it would be the best thing. What would others think? " Patrick admitted causing my smile to turn into a frown.

"Since when were you so bothered about what people think?" I asked him. This probably made me see too eager.

"I don't, I care about what people would say about you. The school's most innocent student with the psycho. It wouldn't be a good response I'll tell you that. Also, Henry and the guys won't like it. " He began to explain. I saw what his point was but it only made me grow angry.

"Maybe I don't care" I blurted out. Patrick turned to look at me in confusion.


"All my life I've lived up to the image of being a good girl but the way I see it life is too short. I want to be able to make my own decisions and not care about what other's would say or think. It's my life damn it not theirs!" I said in anger. Patrick's eyes widened slightly and put his hands up in defence. "Sorry" I apologised and slumped back down into the sofa.

"I'm seeing a little wild side hidden in such a pristine girl" Patrick joked.

"Shut up" I giggled shoving him slightly.

"You shut up!" He shoved me back.

I grabbed the pillow that was behind me a threw it in his direction, the pillow smacked him straight in the face. I snorted and covered my face with my hands, only to have Patrick tackle me to the ground. We continued to playfully wrestle for a few minutes before we both got tired. I grew shy as I noticed that I was on top of him, I refused to look at him. He grabbed my face and moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry for being such an ass to you" He apologised.

"It's fine" I mumbled. Patrick smirked before lifting his head slightly and bringing mine down to his. Once our lips met I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach once again. Patrick began to nibble on my bottom lip causing my mouth to part slightly, taking his chance to invade my mouth with his tongue, fighting against mine dominance.


Patrick wrapped his arm tighter around me as I leant against him, nothing had happened between us other than the make out session. We had decided to watch tv for a few hours waiting for my mum to get home. I felt him lean down and press his lips on the top of my head.

"Patrick what are we?" I asked randomly.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we friends or?"

"Lets just see how it goes before we put a label on it?" He suggested, I nodded in agreement and wrapped my arm around his waist. That seemed fair to me.

Just then we heard the sound of a car pull up. We both shared worried glances before getting up off of the sofa and running up the stairs. Patrick shut the door behind him as he entered my room last whilst I struggled to get the window open. I had finally managed to get it open and Patrick walked over to me.

"Stay safe" I told him grabbing onto his hand.

"I will" He smirked at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips before climbing out of the window.

I actually enjoyed writing this chapter for some strange reason. I'm sorry its short and has only one day of events in. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it xo

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