Chapter Thirty-One

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"Hey g-g-guys!" Bill greeted as he and Richie finally arrived holding two trays of ice cream. I thanked Bill before taking the one he had brought me. He was such a sweet kid.

"So what have my fellow losers been up to without us?" Richies asked.

"We were just seeing who could balance on the rock the longest" Eddie told him.

"How boring!"Richie gave a fake yawn and I rolled my eyes.

"Reina was making us do these awkward positions whilst standing on them though" Stan then corrected, making it seem like what we were doing was less boring.

"Y-y-you guys are s-s-strange" Bill laughed and took a seat on the rock beside me.

As much as I enjoyed the company my friends gave me, I was really missing Patrick. The others could tell I was down and they tried everything they could to cheer me up, even though the only thing that could help me was to be with Patrick.

We all decided to walk back into the town centre, and do a bit of roaming around the shops to pass the time. Richie had ended up dragging us into the arcade to watch him play street fighter, he wasn't that good as much as he thought he was.


Curfew had finally rolled around and everyone was starting to retreat back home. I was left with Bill and Stan as Eddie had left and hour early and Richie's dad picked him up from the arcade. I was extremely tired and couldn't wait to get home and go to bed.

"Right I'm gonna get going " Stan told us and pulled me into a tight hug and gave Bill a high five before leaving us. I then waved goodbye to Bill but before I could walk away he pulled me back gently by my wrist.


"Yeah Bill?

"I n-n-need umm can you m-m-meet me tomorrow?" He asked.

"Oh I can't I promised my mum I'd spend some time with her considering she's had to work so late at work"

"O-o-oh, Sunday?"

"Sure what time?"

"I'll c-c-call you" I gave him a sweet smile before walking off.

As I walked away from Bill, I could feel him watching me. I didn't bother to turn around, instead I acted as if I didn't notice and carried on walking. The streets were basically empty and it was beginning to get a little dark. I noticed the street lights had come on once I had reached the street before mine. I heard a car horn beep from behind me,I spun on my heels and grinned as I recognised the car. Before Belch even had a chance to pull over Patrick jumped out and wrapped me in his embrace.

"Hey Kitten!" He said and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey Patty" I teased. He licked his lips before pressing them down onto mine. The kiss was soft and loving, it was our best kiss to date. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, just like I had when he had first kissed me.

"I missed you" He said as he pulled away from the kiss, his hands resting on my waist.

"I missed you too! How was your day?" I asked.

"Eh, I drenched Belch so that was amusing" He snickered.

"You're so mean" I playfully slapped him shoulder.

"Want us to give you a ride home?"

"Patrick my house is just round the corner" I giggled. Belch honked the horn causing me and Patrick to both roll our eyes.

"Damn, I have to go!" He muttered, burying his head into my shoulder.

"No!" I whined.

"I'll see you Sunday though, I'm taking you out again" He told me as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"You better get going" I said as Belch once again beeped the horn.

"Right okay" He bent down and pecked me on the lips.

""I love you Patrick!"

"Right back at ya"He smirked at me before picking me up and spinning me around. Patrick gave me one last kiss before hopping back into Belch's car. I smiled to myself and continued my journey home.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is kinda short and boring like urhg. Stay Blessed xo

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