Chapter Sixteen

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The next day went by rather quickly, it was still like any other day at school. Uneventful. I was walking out of school with Eddie when I over heard Henry talking to Patrick in the school hall.

"She was all over you?!" He exclaimed. I let out small gasp. I pretended to tie my shoe so they I could hear the rest, Eddie beside him.

"So?" Patrick said.

"So you could've had her, you normally would've!" Henry replied.

"I guess I just wasn't in the mood" Patrick shrugged his shoulders, I felt a smile creep up on my face.

"Hurry up" Eddie said a little too loud, Patrick and Henry turned to look at us. Patrick licked his lips once he caught sight of me and Henry began to Panic.

Henry I walked over to us with Patrick following behind, shoving Eddie onto the floor and snatching his inhaler out of his hand.

"Give it back!" Eddie demanded reaching for it only to have Henry seat his hand away.

"I don't think I will" Henry chuckled throwing the inhaler into the air and catching it.

"Hey!" I yelled and stepped forward only to have Patrick grab me by my waist and hold me back. I struggled against him but I enjoyed him holding me like this deep down.

"Now listen loser, if you want it back just ask" Henry simply said.

"Stop struggling against me doll, because you'll only deal with the consequences" Patrick whispered in my ear, I felt my knees grow week and I leaned back into this, thankfully neither Henry or Eddie noticed.

"Please can I have my inhaler back!" Eddie asked as he stood up.

"Sure, if you can catch it" Henry smirked before throwing Eddie's inhaler up into the air.

Henry repeated his actions so many times, not paying attention to me or Patrick. Which gave Patrick the perfect opportunity to tease me. He moved my hair away from my neck and began placing soft kisses onto my exposed skin. I unwillingly let out a soft moan, Patrick smirked into my neck.

"Struggle!" He whispered as Henry turned to us and I began to wriggle around, pretending to cry out for help as he licked the side of my neck.

"I'm done for now" Henry said, finally throwing Eddie's inhaler at him. "Let's go Patrick!"

"I'll see you at 6, be ready" Patrick whispered before letting me go.

"Are you ok?" Eddie asked as Henry and Patrick walked away. I nodded in response and kept my eyes on Patrick.

I closed the book I was reading as there was a knocking on my window, I opened it once I saw it was Patrick.

"Get your stuff ready, you're staying at mine, I'll meet you across the street"he told me. I was shocked at first but gathered my stuff together. I told my mum that I was sleeping at a friends and went to meet Patrick.

"So why am I here?" I asked laughing slightly once we were in his bedroom.

"Why not?" He shrugged. "I wanna tell you something".

"What?" I asked taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"So I was at Henry's yesterday, and girls turned up. I didn't do anything" he told me with a forced smile. I could tell he had never done this before. It was so cute.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked curiously.

"Because I'm with you, kind of and I don't know just be grateful I didn't do anything with them!" He yelled the last part. I couldn't help but giggle about how mad he got. I stood up and grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry, thank you for telling me" I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You get so angry!" I giggled, Patrick bent down slightly and lifted me up off of the ground.

"You're so small" he teased.

"Shut up!" I whined and stuck my tongue out. Patrick placed his lips onto mine and began a heated make out session.

Patrick began walking over to his bed and placed me down, only to climb on top of me. Not once did he break the kiss, I started to hesitate when his hands began to explore the top part of my body. I pulled away from the kiss hoping that he'd realise I wanted him to stop, instead his lips travelled to my neck.

"Patrick stop!" I screamed as his hands travelled up under my top. He growled and sat up, wrapping a hand tightly around my throat.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me again!" He spat. "I stay loyal to you when I could've easily fucked that girl so hard and this is how you repay me? I
don't think so!"Patrick looked down at me and quickly removed his hand. I looked up at Patrick in fear, coughing uncontrollably.

"Reina I'm so sorry" he apologised and pulled me into him. I didn't hug him back however, I was too scared and a little hurt.

"I-i-it's ok I forgive you" I stuttered as Patrick held me. What the hell had I gotten myself into.

My Little Psycho (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now