Chapter Twenty-Six

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The weekend had finally rolled round and the next week was a week off so I didn't have to worry about school for a whole week. I was currently with the Bower's Gang on Henry's lawn. Henry was 'testing' his dad's gun out, which apparently was something he did a lot when his dad wasn't around.

"Want a go Reina" Henry daringly asked and I shook my head, rejecting the offer.

"Oh come on!" Belch said.

"I don't want to!"

"Are you afraid?" Vic asked causing me to ashamedly nod my head. Vic snickered before taking the gun off of Henry and standing behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Take it!" He told me handed me the gun. My shaking hands took ahold of the weapon.

"Like this?"

"No like this" He placed his hands on top of mine aiming a gun at the garbage can.

"Now concentrate" he whisperer. I focused hard on the garbage can, one of Vic's hands slowly leading my finger onto the trigger. Without thinking I pulled the trigger and hit the target.

"I did it!" I squealed. The boys cheered as I thanked Vic who wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Well done" he congratulated. Suddenly, I was harshly pulled away from Vic and before I could blink Patrick crashed his lips onto mine, starting a very rough make out session. His hands had a from grip on my bum, my back was to the other three so they could see, two of the boys wolf whistling whilst the other stayed quiet. Once we had pulled apart noticed Patrick glaring at Vic.

"I'm out of cigarettes, we'll be back soon" Patrick snarled before dragging me away from Henry's house.

"Patrick what's wrong?" I asked once we had gotten half way down the street. He froze and spun to face me, pushing me up against someone's gate.

"Why did you let him hug you? You're mine that means only I get to touch you!" He spat. I was angry that Patrick thought he could control me.

"It was a fucking hug, it's not like I kissed someone" I paused. "Oh wait, that was you" I fired back and attempted to move out of his grip.

Patrick drew his hand back and brought it down, his plan connecting with my left cheek. I held my cheek as tears fell , the left side obviously stinging. I was speechless.

"Baby I'm so..." Patrick began to say as he placed his hands over his mouth. Instead of feeling hurt, I grew angry at the sight of him. I dried my tears and stormed away from him. Patrick followed me, grabbing ahold of my wrist once he had caught up with me.


"Don't you ever put your hands on me like that again!" I screamed as I turned to face him. Patrick looked down at his feet in disappointment, I was still trying to come to terms with what had just happened.

"Baby I'm so so sorry" he sunk to his knees just like he had done before and held me tightly by the waist, he had no intention of letting go. I couldn't help but cry again, which made him hold me tighter. I sighed and began to rub my fingers through his hair.

"It's ok Patrick" I mumbled and he lifted my top up slightly so that my stomach was showing and placed a soft kiss next to my belly button.

"Shit!" I heard someone loudly say as I waited outside for Patrick. I turned and saw Betty Ripsom, a girl who was in a few of my classes. I watched as she threw her bike onto the ground, giving it a furious kick.

"Betty?" I walked over.

"Oh Reina...hi" she sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong with my stupid bike!" She moaned. I bent down and took a closer looks. I finally saw what the problem was. I laughed and stood back up.

"Turn it upside down for me" I giggled.


"Your chain's come off" she looked at me and let out a loud laugh before doing as I instructed. I then proceeded to help put her bike chain back in place.

"Thank you so much!" She said as we turned the bike up right and on cue Patrick walked out of the store with a stolen packet of cigarettes.

"Is he with you?" She whispered, climbing onto her bike, I nodded. "Good luck" and with that Betty rode off.

-Stan's P.O.V-
"He w-w-was last seen h-h-here!" Bill stuttered as we stopped next to a drain.

The whole day we had been looking all over town for any sign of Bills little brother, Georgie. He had been missing for a while now and everyone knew the horrible truth, everyone but Bill that is. Instead of letting him get hurt, we had to act like there was still hope. It was killing us all on the inside.

"Bill, let's look tomorrow I'm tired" Eddie whined. Bill looked between the drain and us debating on whether or not he should call it quits just yet.

"O-o-Okay" he sighed. We all headed back down the street when we spotted two figures, a male and a female.

"Is that?" I began to say but Richie finished for me.

"Patrick and Reina" he was blunt when he spoke, obviously not impressed.

"I miss her" Eddie mumbled.

"M-m-me to" Bill seconded.

"So do I" I sighed.

"Guys, she betrayed us! She's dating one of our bullies!" Richie screeched.

"B-b-but when she's w-w-with him, he hasn't really p-p-picked on us" Bill said, which was right. Since Reina and Patrick were seen together all the time, Patrick left us alone. The others however did not.

"Oh wow so now we're getting bullied by only three boys, brilliant" Richie sarcastically said.

"It's an improvement, you can be a dick sometimes Richie!" Eddie told him, Richie scoffed at his response. I had kept my promise to Reina, trying to get my fellow losers to change their minds, it had seemed to work on Eddie and Bill. Richie didn't seem to budge. I had no other choice but to tell them what she had told me.

"There's something you should all know" They all turned to me, waiting for me to explain.

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