Chapter Fourteen

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"So how long have you been dancing for?" Patrick asked as he took a bite out of the chicken my mum had made.

"Since I was four" I told him. I was currently doing his homework for him since he needed help. Patrick held a fork full of vegetables up to my mouth, I opened my mouth wide enough so that he could feed me.

"You were great in that performance by the way" He said kissing my cheek.

"Thank you" I smiled and leant back slightly as he massaged my shoulders. I put down the pen and took a break from doing his homework.

"What are you scared of Patrick?"

"Leeches, disgusting things!" He shuddered. "God just the thought of being near one of them creeps me out"

"Out of everything in the world, you are scared of leeches?" I looked up at him and raised and eyebrow. Patrick gently squeezed my shoulders and smirked down at me.

"What about you, what are you scared of?"

I gave it a thought, what was I afraid of? Apart from the usual spiders, heights and stuff like that I wasn't really sure. And then it hit me, I was scared of death via drowning. I didn't mind water, it was the thought of being held or trapped under it, not being able to breath and counting down the seconds till your time ran out. The thought made me nauseous.

"Death by drowning" A shiver ran down my spine as I told him. I laughed it off and picked up the pen.

"Don't bother doing anymore, doing half of it would be enough" Patrick picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Considering I had already changed into my pyjamas, I pulled the covers back and climbed into bed. Patrick put on a film and then began to strip out of his clothes. I gazed upon his lanky form and couldn't help but be amazed, he was extremely hot. WOW

"You don't mind if I sleep like this do you?" He asked as he was only wearing boxers. I shook my head, my mouth hung open. Patrick chuckled before crawling in and cuddling up to me.


"Ok lets see how well you've listened" Miss Porter said as she put her book down onto her desk and turned to look at the class. 

I was so thankful that I had been put next to Patrick in this class, else maybe I wouldn't be in the situation I was in today. Throughout the lesson though, he kept grabbing my thigh and trying to put his hand up my top. I knew he was doing it to try and get me in trouble so I didn't mind but he never did anything major. 

"Reina,  name one thing you can find only in a Plant Cell?" Miss Porter asked me. I smacked Patrick's hand as he grabbed my thigh causing him to snicker.

"A cell wall" I answered and she seemed impressed. 

"Aww does Reina want a gold star for getting the question right?" Patrick whispered, I rolled my eyes and gently pushed his head away from me. He reached under the table and grabbed my hand, we stayed like that the entire lesson. 

I walked over to my locker glancing behind me to see Patrick slowly following me, keeping his distance. I sighed and opened my locker, placing my bags into it when it suddenly shut. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I hated this. I was spun round, Patrick grabbed two fist fulls of my top before pushing me back into the lockers.

"Wanna go see a movie later?" He asked quietly but with a face full of disgust.

"I can't I have plans with my friends to actually go and see one" I told him.

"Which one?"

"Nightmare on elm street 4" 

"Well then I guess I will see you later" Patrick smirked.


"You'll see" He quickly lifted a hand to stroke the side of my face before forcefully letting go of my top.

"Fucking loser" He yelled for everyone to hear, before making his way over to his friends.


I buried my head into Eddie's shoulder as he clung onto me. I did not like this film one bit and by the looks of it Neither did Eddie. The other three however seemed to be ok with the film, with Richie constantly making jokes and people telling him to be quiet. I grabbed my coke and took a sip only to find that it was empty. I sighed and reached for Eddie's popcorn instead, taking a handful. Suddenly, I felt something hit my head. I decided to ignore it until I was constantly getting hit. I turned to see Patrick sitting two rows away, he winked at me and nodded his head towards the door. 

"Guys I'm gonna go get another drink" I whispered to them and they nodded. I stood up and made my way out of the room, feeling a pair of hands wrap around my waist. 

"Told you I'd see you late" Patrick smirked. I looked up at him, I had to considering he towered over me, and smiled. 

"You followed me?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yup" He replied popping the p, he bent down and captured my lips with his. I held onto his forearms as he deepened the kiss, he didn't seem to care that we were standing in the middle of a cinema.

"Patrick!" I giggled into the kiss as he firmly grabbed my ass and he pulled away. 

"Let's leave?" He suggested. I sighed and rested my head on his chest.

"I can't leave them, they invited me here" I told him. As much as I wanted to spend my afternoon with Patrick, I knew it would be wrong to ditch my friends. 

"you can!"

"I can't" He sighed and reached into his back pocket pulling out $10 and handing it to me. I gave him a confused look and went to give him the money back but he refused.

"Go get yourself another drink and some snacks" He told me. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"Thank you Patrick" I mumbled.

"You're welcome Raindrop" He then hugged me back, squeezing me slighlty.

"Reina?" My eyes widened and Patrick tensed up. Oh crap.

Hey guys, just to let you all know I will not be updating tomorrow as I have a family thingy that I have to deal with but the next update might be a double considering there will not be a chapter tomorrow and it will be on monday. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter xo

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