Chapter Thirteen

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Then next day was like any normal day, it was Monday so I was back at school but thankfully we got the news that we had a week off next week. I hadn't told my friends about me or Patrick considering there wasn't a label on us yet. However, I found it very difficult to act like there was nothing going on between me and Patrick, especially when I crossed paths with him.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard a girl say as she bumped into.

"Oh it's fine" I helped her pick up the books she had dropped on the bathroom floor and handed them to her.

"Thank you" she looked up at me and gave me a friendly smile.

"You're Beverly right, Beverley Marsh?" I asked.

"That's me" Beverly let out a short laugh.

"Why are you in here? It's lunch" I asked her sending a look of concern.

"I'm trying to avoid Gretta" she admitted. I inhaled deeply in annoyance. Why wouldn't Gretta leave the poor girl alone.

"If I see her I'll tell her you ran outsid" I told her and she seemed to calm down. Beverley thanked me before walking into a cubical and locking the door behind her.

I made my way into the cafeteria and stood behind Stan, grabbing a tray for my food. We both picked out what we wanted, which happened to be the same thing and scanned the place to find the others. Spotting them, we began to make our way over.

"Hey!" Stan yelled as Henry walked by and knocked the tray out of his hand. Of course Patrick was with him along with the other to. Henry walked off laughing to himself.

"What the hell Bowers?" I yelled, Henry stopped walking and slowly turned to face me. Everyone in the cafeteria had their attention on us.

"You got a problem?" He asked stepping a little closer. I glanced behind him and caught Patrick's gaze. The expression on his face was basically begging me to just leave the situation alone. I tended up, I knew I had to be the better person.

"No Henry" I sighed, looking down at my tray.

"That's what I thought" He kissed the tips of two of his fingers and pushed them against my lips. I groaned slightly and used one had to clean my lips, I did not want Bowers' germs on me.

"Come on Reina let's just go and sit down" Stan quietly said before pulling on my arm. I noticed Patrick tense up when he saw Stan grab my arm but he began to ease when I gave him a look.

"Are y-y-you guys ok?" Bill asked as we finally reached the table.

"Yeah we're fine" I said.

"That was intense" Eddie said turning to face us.

"Yeah it was a good job you guys walked away I was getting ready to step in!" Richie informed.

"Beep beep Richie" the four of us said in unison.

"Stan are you ok?" I asked as I noticed he seemed really down.

"I was really hungry but I can't go back up there, it's too embarrassing". I looked down at my tray and pushed it towards him, Stan went to decline but I stopped him.

"I'm not hungry, besides.." I looked up at the clock on the wall. "I have to go somewhere a sec" As I got up, they looked at me in confusion. I just shrugged it of and made my way out of the cafeteria.

My Little Psycho (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now