Chapter Fifteen

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I slowly turned my head, still in Patrick's embrace. He didn't move an inch but I could tell he was staring at the person who the voice belonged to. My eyes the finally gazed upon Stan. I swallowed the lump in my throat and wriggled away from Patrick.

"Stan!" I whispered.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked in shock

"None of your business noodle head!" Patrick fired stepping forward a little but I put my hand out signalling for him to stop.

"Look there's nothing going on" I tried to explain, Patrick scoffed from behind me.

"Looks like it" Stan muttered in disbelief before turning.

"Stan wait!" I grabbed ahold of him and forced him to look at me. " you can't tell the others, please I'll explain to you what's going on later please just don't tell the others, they'll hate me. Please Stan" I begged.

"I'm out!" Patrick laughed "See you soon Kitten" and he walked away from the situation. Chicken shit!

"Are you two a thing?" He sternly asked.

"Look I promise I'll explain it to you later just please Stan"

"Okay" he sighed and I pulled him into a hug which he returned, thanking him about a million times. After getting snacks from the stand with the 10 Patrick had given me, we walked back into the room to carry on watching the test of the film.

"It wasn't even that scary!" Richie argued as he peddled beside us.

"I swear you cried towards the end" I pointed out, I had never seen Richie look so embarrassed.

"Guys it's getting late, we need to head home" Eddie told us looking at his watch. I turned to look at Stan who nodded towards the direction we had to walk.

"See you tomorrow" I waved to the others and began to walk off with Stan.

As we both walked, neither of us knew what to say about the situation that happened earlier, I was thankfully he kept it to himself though. I did however tell him that I would explain myself and I had to, I just needed to think of something to say.

"Look Stan.."

"This better be good?" He cut me off

"Okay here goes, I've liked Patrick for a while now but never really thought anything if it. He's the only boy that's given me attention and I've never had that, ever" I began to explain.

"But he's a bully! He's been picking on you for God sake!"

"There's a different side to him?" I defended.

"Yeah sure" Stan mumbled and quickened his pace.

"He saved me!" I watched as Stan came to a stand still. This was the only way I'd get him to understand.

"From what?" He asked taking a few steps closer to me.

"I was....I was nearly raped" I struggled to hold back my tears.

"What?" All Stan could do was whisper and he ran over to be, comforting me as I broke down in the middle of the street.

"Remember when Annie had that party" he nodded and waited for me to continue. "It was after that when some guy offered to walk me home, it was Patrick that saved me"

-Patrick's P.O.V-
Me and the guys were sat in Henry's backyard, somehow we had managed to purchase a couple of beers but I wasn't complaining. Victor handed me a cigarette and I took it without hesitation.

"I invited a few others over tonight by the way" Henry smirked as he took a sip of his beer.

"Male or female?" Belch asked.

"What do you think" Henry said rolling his eyes. "One for each of us"

"Henry you're amazing!" Victor blurted out as he gave Henry a high five. I gave the guys a smirk and placed the bottle to my lips.

But then my mind became blank and there was only one thing I could think about. Reina. What was I going to do. I could stop drinking so that I wouldn't do anything I'd regret, but then the guys would see me as weak and I was far from weak. What was I going to do.

"They're here" Henry sang as the doorbell went off. We stood up and walked back into the house.

-Reina's P.O.V-
"If it becomes anything more than just something I will tell the others, but right now we just want to see what happens" Stan nodded showing that he understood.

"Okay fine, but that doesn't mean I don't like it"

"You don't have to, I'm just asking to please keep this between me and you" I begged him giving him the puppy dog eyes. He looked at me in disgust but soon smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I promise" he laughed.

Hey guys, so as promised I updated and I'm sorry this is so short and if you thought this was shitty, but atleast it's something xo

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