Hey Everyone! So I had to write an "I Believe" esaay which is a creative writing paper about something that I feel strongly about! So I hope you enjoy!
I watched as my fellow classmates walked up to the front of the class room, ready to give their speech. I can feel my heart rate speed up and my knee begin to shake just thinking about having to present. One by one everyone seemed to go, until it was finally my turn.
Breathe in . . . . Breathe out . . . Breathe in . . . Breathe out. I kept repeating these words until they finally seemed to burn in my head. I stood up in front of the class room, the breathing melody playing its self over and over again, ready to give my speech.
I start, but nothing comes out; like my voice never existed. I looked across the crowded class room to see if anyone noticed my mistake, but all I saw were blank expressions. I started again and my voice finally comes out, louder than ever before. Words started to pour out and I felt myself relax some, knowing that I was half way done with my speech. I slowed down a bit toured the end and when I finally finished I smiled and sat back down waiting for my applause.
Nothing happened. No applause, no slap on the back, no good job, nothing. People almost pretended like I never went and proceeded on with their conversation that they were talking before I gave my speech.
I couldn’t believe it. Didn’t anyone know how much time I put into that speech? How my nerves ran my life for the past week? How much sleep I lost last night thinking about this presentation? I guess not by the looks of it. No one seemed to notice or care.
Selfish. That’s what it really comes down to. Selfish and lack of understanding. People don’t care for others because we are selfish; we only care for our own presentations. We don’t care what others have to do to give a good presentation; we only care for what we have to do to give that good presentation. People also don’t think of putting themselves in others shoes. As kids we were taught to imagine what the other person could possibly be going through and to help them through it; but as we grow up we forget that simple method and migrate to ourselves than to others. We forget what’s right and what’s wrong and do what’s best for us.
So why does everyone get an applause and I don’t? Why does everyone just proceed with talking like I’m not here? Is it how I dress? How our look? How I speak? Or just my rank of popularity?
This must be it. Popularity. People will do anything to get to the top. The top of the social ladder, the fashion ladder, the world it seems. People are willing to throw away the ones they love and treasure the most just to have a taste of being popular. But once someone has a taste they never go back.
Because people throw everything they love, they slowly throw away their true identity. They throw away who they truly are what their truly like. Their interests, their beliefs, who they really are. And although I may feel like a fool at times when I give my presentation and no one seems to notice, its they who are the foolish ones. The ones that threw away themselves just to do the same to others.
Short Stories-Creative Writing Class
القصة القصيرةHey Everyone! So these are all stories that I had to write in my Creative Writing class! I'm not looking for comments or votes on any of these stories, there just for the reader to enjoy and read. . . although it would be great to hear what you thin...